by javabeans | August 30, 2010 | 62 Comments
Last week’s episodes of My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho featured two cameo appearances: UEE and Park Shin-hye, both from the Hong sisters’ previous drama, You’re Beautiful. This has people wondering who’ll be next, since the Hong sisters have previously had fun with bringing back actors from their other dramas.
Well, the idol stars of You’re Beautiful are planning to make appearances, starting with Jang Geun-seok, then Jung Yong-hwa. Their castmate Lee Hong-ki agreed readily to the cameo, but because of his busy schedule, he’s currently trying to work out a time to shoot his part.
Furthermore, according to the production company CEO, the You’re Beautiful cast isn’t the only source of cameo possibilities; they are preparing cameos from other stars as well.
Who wants to start making guesses? (Kang Ji-hwan? Han Ye-seul? Han Chae-young? JAE HEE?)
Ultimately, these cameos hardly make an impact on the current drama’s storylines, but I suppose such is the nature of cameos, right? The fun lies in the meta awareness of who these actors are and how they fit into the Hong sisters’ world, and these are two writers who positively revel in these fun extras. Sometimes they’ll reuse favorite actors but create entirely new characters for them, while in other instances they’ll make a cheeky nod to an earlier work.
For example: they loved Jang Geun-seok in Hong Gil Dong and brought him back for You’re Beautiful. They also coupled up Ahn Seok-hwan and Choi Ran twice, in Delightful Girl Chun-hyang and then My Girl. Choi Ran came back two more times, for Hong Gil Dong and You’re Beautiful.
On the other hand, sometimes they bring back existing characters, even if the cameo details don’t quite fit with the original drama. For instance, when Han Chae-young and Jae Hee cameo’d in My Girl after playing a couple in Chun-hyang, they used the same names, even though the cameo doesn’t fit all the facts of Chun-hyang. And Mi-nyeo’s reappearance last week hardly fits her You’re Beautiful character.
But I’m betting most of us don’t mind, since it’s enough to see these familiar faces again, yeah?
August 31, 2010
朴信惠學中文 當定旋風管家

■朴信惠將演出由漫畫改編的「旋風管家」。 (八大提供)
胡宇崴黏朴信惠 無奈電燈泡卡中間
2010-08-31 林淑娟/台北報導
August 30, 2010
Tablo偽造學歷事件最終訴之於法律 近日向檢察院起訴22名網友
AN Jell appear in 我的女友是九尾狐
[연예팀] 2009년 인기리에 방영된 SBS ‘미남이시네요’에 출연했던 배우 장근석, 가수 이홍기, 정용화가 SBS ‘내 여자친구는 구미호’에 카메오로 출연한다.
‘내 여자친구는 구미호’의 제작 관계자는 “장근석, 이홍기, 정용화가 카메오로 출연하는 것에 흔쾌히 수락한 상태다. 현재 세 명의 스케줄을 조정중이다”고 밝혔다.
방송 관계자들은 이번 카메오 출연은 ‘미남이시네요’를 제작한 홍정은·홍미란 작가와 제작사인 본팩토리의 문석환 대표와의 인연으로 결정 한 것이라 내다보고 있다. 앞서 ‘미남이시네요’의 여 주인공이었던 박신혜와 유이가 카메오로 출연해 화두에 오른 바 있다.
한편 ‘내 여자친구는 구미호’는 구미호인 신민아와 인간 이승기와의 로맨스를 그린 로맨틱 코미디로 눈길을 끌고 있다.
lots of news already, hahaha
台北電視節 捧韓壓台?
【聯合報╱記者褚姵君/台北報導】 2010.08.30 09:23 am

2010台北電視節暗潮洶湧,傳民視「新兵日記」、柴智屏「My Girl」與八大「旋風管家」爭搶開幕首日主舞台,三劇推出姚元浩、林志穎、朴信惠PK,結果「韓國月亮比較圓」,「旋風管家」勝出。
其中,柴智屏翻拍同名韓劇的「My Girl」,與大陸主要衛視合作,據知最初男主角開出一長串名單,對岸立刻要了林志穎,看中的是他在大陸的知名度與票房;而八大籌拍多時的「旋風管家」,敲定朴信惠擔綱,他去年主演「原來是美男」人氣暴漲,還拿下2009年SBS演技大賞新星獎。
【2010/08/30 聯合報】@
朴MM doing TW drama!!
I watch this comic before, it is now aired in TVB, the Chinese name is 爆笑管家
2010台北電視節暗潮洶湧,傳民視「新兵日記」、柴智屏「My Girl」與八大「旋風管家」爭搶開幕首日主舞台,三劇推出姚元浩、林志穎、朴信惠PK,結果「韓國月亮比較圓」,「旋風管家」勝出。
其中,柴智屏翻拍同名韓劇的「My Girl」,與大陸主要衛視合作,據知最初男主角開出一長串名單,對岸立刻要了林志穎,看中的是他在大陸的知名度與票房;而八大籌拍多時的「旋風管家」,敲定朴信惠擔綱,他去年主演「原來是美男」人氣暴漲,還拿下2009年SBS演技大賞新星獎。
【2010/08/30 聯合報】@
朴MM doing TW drama!!
I watch this comic before, it is now aired in TVB, the Chinese name is 爆笑管家
August 28, 2010
CNN選 50年音樂 icon 米高稱王 張國榮力壓貓王打入三甲
逝去的,人們才懂珍惜。 CNN於上月底舉辦「 50年音樂 icon」網上票選,嚴選 20名來自世界各地具影響力的樂壇名人作候選名單,前日公佈結果,去年 6月突然離世的流行天王米高積遜( Michael Jackson)大熱打低一眾對手排名 No.1,而令華人自豪的是「哥哥」張國榮也打進三甲,如此受重視的確難能可貴。
美國 CNN電視台為紀念全新藝術文化節目《 icon》播放,早前舉辦連串和 icon(旗幟代表)有關的票選活動,其中打頭陣亦最為人感興趣,是近 50年來堪稱 icon的樂壇人士。得到音樂刊物《 Songlines》協助下, CNN甄選出來自世界各地 20個候選名單,已故華人歌手張國榮和鄧麗君也入圍,讓網民挑選心目中的 5大。
經過近十萬人在約一個月內投票後,《 icon》已於前日公佈最終五甲,去年 6月尾突然暴斃、致死責任尚未定奪的美國流行樂天王米高積遜大熱當選 No.1,力壓同樣席捲全球的英國樂隊披頭四( The Beatles),縱使披頭四的音樂徹底衝擊上世紀 60至 70年代樂迷的心靈,但 MJ帶來視聽兩方面刺激,加上其音樂依然流行,居首絕對有理。另一客觀因素是牽涉到網上投票制度, MJ追隨者的年齡層相對地是較接近電腦的一群。
位列 3至 5位都是大小投票活動的熟悉名字,僅次披頭四之後順序為香港男歌手張國榮、美國搖滾傳奇貓王皮禮士利( Elvis Presley)與牙買加 reggae音樂教父 Bob Marley。來自香港的哥哥,能與世界級經典紅人同居五大,甚至排名高於貓王,哥哥在全球的影響力已毋庸置疑。
CNN官方前日只公佈了排首 6位的音樂單位,梗頸六的麥當娜( Madonna)慘被飛出最後五強,正顯示未能入六強的鄧麗君票數較娜姐少。其實有網民在二十大提名發表後已提出質疑,指有關方面雖以國際化及公平為由,陳列多位非洲、亞洲及南美洲音樂人以求平衡,但單是英美還包括滾石樂隊( The Rolling Stones)、卜戴倫( Bob Dylan)和 James Brown等老牌歌手供網民選擇,頗有假民主的意味。
CNN 50年音樂 icon其餘入圍名單
James Brown(美國)
Aretha Franklin(美國)
Gilberto Gil(巴西)
Celia Cruz(古巴)
Asha Bhosle(印度)
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan(巴基斯坦)
Miriam Makeba(南非)
Youssou N'Dour(塞內加爾)
Oum Kalsoum(埃及)
資料來源: CNN官網
【林慧娟╱綜合報導】美國「有線電視新聞網」(CNN)票選半世紀來的「全球樂壇偶像」(Global Music Icon),去年猝逝的「流行樂之王」麥可傑克遜(Michael Jackson)獲近10萬人次網友力挺,榮登冠軍;亞軍是英國樂團「披頭四」(The Beatles),已故香港歌手張國榮獲選季軍。
「貓王」維斯普里斯萊(Elvis Presley)摘下第4名,36歲壯年早逝的「雷鬼樂之父」巴布馬利(Bob Marley)獲第5名,歌壇天后「娜姊」瑪丹娜以些微差距,落居第6名。
CNN票選樂壇偶像 TOP5
★No.1 麥可傑克遜(Michael Jackson)
★No.2「披頭四」樂團(The Beatles)
★No.3 張國榮
★No.4「貓王」艾維斯普里斯萊(Elvis Presley)
★No.5 巴布馬利(Bob Marley)
美國 CNN電視台為紀念全新藝術文化節目《 icon》播放,早前舉辦連串和 icon(旗幟代表)有關的票選活動,其中打頭陣亦最為人感興趣,是近 50年來堪稱 icon的樂壇人士。得到音樂刊物《 Songlines》協助下, CNN甄選出來自世界各地 20個候選名單,已故華人歌手張國榮和鄧麗君也入圍,讓網民挑選心目中的 5大。
經過近十萬人在約一個月內投票後,《 icon》已於前日公佈最終五甲,去年 6月尾突然暴斃、致死責任尚未定奪的美國流行樂天王米高積遜大熱當選 No.1,力壓同樣席捲全球的英國樂隊披頭四( The Beatles),縱使披頭四的音樂徹底衝擊上世紀 60至 70年代樂迷的心靈,但 MJ帶來視聽兩方面刺激,加上其音樂依然流行,居首絕對有理。另一客觀因素是牽涉到網上投票制度, MJ追隨者的年齡層相對地是較接近電腦的一群。
位列 3至 5位都是大小投票活動的熟悉名字,僅次披頭四之後順序為香港男歌手張國榮、美國搖滾傳奇貓王皮禮士利( Elvis Presley)與牙買加 reggae音樂教父 Bob Marley。來自香港的哥哥,能與世界級經典紅人同居五大,甚至排名高於貓王,哥哥在全球的影響力已毋庸置疑。
CNN官方前日只公佈了排首 6位的音樂單位,梗頸六的麥當娜( Madonna)慘被飛出最後五強,正顯示未能入六強的鄧麗君票數較娜姐少。其實有網民在二十大提名發表後已提出質疑,指有關方面雖以國際化及公平為由,陳列多位非洲、亞洲及南美洲音樂人以求平衡,但單是英美還包括滾石樂隊( The Rolling Stones)、卜戴倫( Bob Dylan)和 James Brown等老牌歌手供網民選擇,頗有假民主的意味。
CNN 50年音樂 icon其餘入圍名單
James Brown(美國)
Aretha Franklin(美國)
Gilberto Gil(巴西)
Celia Cruz(古巴)
Asha Bhosle(印度)
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan(巴基斯坦)
Miriam Makeba(南非)
Youssou N'Dour(塞內加爾)
Oum Kalsoum(埃及)
資料來源: CNN官網
【林慧娟╱綜合報導】美國「有線電視新聞網」(CNN)票選半世紀來的「全球樂壇偶像」(Global Music Icon),去年猝逝的「流行樂之王」麥可傑克遜(Michael Jackson)獲近10萬人次網友力挺,榮登冠軍;亞軍是英國樂團「披頭四」(The Beatles),已故香港歌手張國榮獲選季軍。
「貓王」維斯普里斯萊(Elvis Presley)摘下第4名,36歲壯年早逝的「雷鬼樂之父」巴布馬利(Bob Marley)獲第5名,歌壇天后「娜姊」瑪丹娜以些微差距,落居第6名。
CNN票選樂壇偶像 TOP5
★No.1 麥可傑克遜(Michael Jackson)
★No.2「披頭四」樂團(The Beatles)
★No.3 張國榮
★No.4「貓王」艾維斯普里斯萊(Elvis Presley)
★No.5 巴布馬利(Bob Marley)
August 27, 2010
9/5 韓國FM賣票情況@8/25
August 26, 2010
《秘密花園》主演陣容還未敲定 宰範,玄彬?出演均不確定
將於11月播放的SBS TV電視劇《秘密花園》遇上了演員陣容難關,最初該劇預定的陣容為張赫、河智苑、尹尚賢、金莎朗等人為主演,宰範的加入也曾引發熱門話題。
但隨著宰範出演的不確定性,傳出了與宰範同屬一家經紀公司的張赫與金莎朗的下車一說,三人同屬SIDUS HQ公司,三人中有一人出現出演不確定情況時,預計影響到其他二人。另外,傳出張赫下車一說的同時,還傳出了電視劇向玄彬跑出橄欖枝的消息。
電視劇相關人士對此表示:目前還沒有確定任何一個人的出演,目前的階段還不能透露準確的名單。SIDUS HQ方面則解釋道:說張赫與金莎朗下車是一個誤會,目前只是沒有確定陣容而已。玄彬所屬公司AM娛樂相關人士稱:目前我們只看了劇本,還沒有決定是否要出演。
《秘密花園》講述遊走於遊戲與現實之間的愛情,是曾在SBS TV《巴黎戀人》與MBC TV《ON AIR》中合作過的申宇哲PD與金恩淑作家攜手推出的又一力作。【TVDAILY=金智賢記者】
Park Shin Hye, 'girlfriend' ku Shin Min-a surprise appearance ... jealous mode plunge
[TV Report hwanginhye News]: Actor Park Shin Hye the SBS drama 'The Forbidden my girlfriend' was a surprise appearance at.
MICS in the last 25 days Bangsongbun trailers chadaeung (Lee min) has appeared in a cameo as the school juniors. MICS in a bus to meet up saluted and raises the "seniors chadaeung Well? I'm beautiful gominyeo," he introduced himself. The Forbidden MICS (Shin Min-min) was spent for the purpose of causing jealousy.
Gomi and women in order to restrain the coupling seems sensitive to show Miho looks cute, but a brief moment aroused laughter from viewers. MICS the 'old girl' in charge of a play hongmiran, hongjeong ties with the artists appearing on the back door dwaetdaneun. Yui starring as an art student in the five ash is the same.
Yui MICS and the author's previous works hongjamae 'handsome' gominyeo in (gominam), respectively, appeared yuheyi station and focused breathing. The emergence of two people in the viewers 'handsome' group AJ Angel's handsome drama (ANJELL) a member of the household painting Jang Lee Hong cameo appearances are also high expectations.
Meanwhile on the air, After School Yui's an invisible force of Forbidden Love appeared in a cameo as an art student surprised the smoke showed a frightened face. 'Boo 9' affection of the party said that Yui is "a good thing she knows she got so excited dear cameo personnel" and said testimony taken.
Photo = SBS 'My girlfriend Forbidden' screen capture
AN Jell leader goes to Hawaii today, is it possible that he has already shooting the guest appearance? I want to see him ah......... Hong Kei also.........
August 25, 2010
Japan TBS "Jang Special"
Sports Korea original articles sent 2010-08-25 06:06
Shinhan Bank in Japan by TBS terrestrial dragon-star Jang appeared to provide a special program.
Implementation of the United States on the 26th suk Eve plane loads on the body. The Jang 2 TBS in July in Japan, Fuji TV drama, "You're Beautiful> will be broadcast simultaneously ranked gonna let an urgent audience with a special program should be prepared.
Jang in Hawaii from 26 a week, a small plane, jet skiing and riding Hawaii's natural beauty and harmonize the look and the scene is expected to hold the camera. TBS officials "of the Japanese popular hot suk has set up a program. Viewership and DVD sales, as well as additional business in the future, the effect is expected to be large," he said.
Jang, Taiwan, China and Japan is already the past six months opens Asian tour in Hong Kong at Shinhan Bank has realized the popularity as the star dragon. Hong Kong was hard to move because of the paparazzi, local media in China "to learn of these performances is amazing. Ticket prices are worth every penny," commented the Project.
In fact, scheduled to appear Nov. 2 Jang KBS 2TV 200 million or more, thanks to the Jang rights fee would be able to get out the prospects are extremely expensive.
Jang went to Hawaii on September 5 after the Department of the Asian Tour at the gym Hwajeong is filming a period. The two sides suk agency tree "Meanwhile, suk appearance did not show that once disclosure of a surprise," he said. Sports, South Korea
Reporter Jae
I think there will be a tv special by TBS that will be shooting in Hawaii later.
Shinhan Bank in Japan by TBS terrestrial dragon-star Jang appeared to provide a special program.
Implementation of the United States on the 26th suk Eve plane loads on the body. The Jang 2 TBS in July in Japan, Fuji TV drama, "You're Beautiful> will be broadcast simultaneously ranked gonna let an urgent audience with a special program should be prepared.
Jang in Hawaii from 26 a week, a small plane, jet skiing and riding Hawaii's natural beauty and harmonize the look and the scene is expected to hold the camera. TBS officials "of the Japanese popular hot suk has set up a program. Viewership and DVD sales, as well as additional business in the future, the effect is expected to be large," he said.
Jang, Taiwan, China and Japan is already the past six months opens Asian tour in Hong Kong at Shinhan Bank has realized the popularity as the star dragon. Hong Kong was hard to move because of the paparazzi, local media in China "to learn of these performances is amazing. Ticket prices are worth every penny," commented the Project.
In fact, scheduled to appear Nov. 2 Jang KBS 2TV
Jang went to Hawaii on September 5 after the Department of the Asian Tour at the gym Hwajeong is filming a period. The two sides suk agency tree "Meanwhile, suk appearance did not show that once disclosure of a surprise," he said. Sports, South Korea
Reporter Jae
I think there will be a tv special by TBS that will be shooting in Hawaii later.
August 24, 2010
Jang, KBS TV will return to brilliant new drama
張根碩出演KBS電視劇 華麗復出再給粉絲驚喜
2010年8月24日 星期二07:33
在去年SBS TV《原來是美男》中,張根碩飾演一名歌手,曾引起熱門話題。時隔一年終於再次出演電視劇,他曾決定出演電影《你是寵物》,但由於製作的推延,於是先透過電視劇與粉絲見面。

Jang, KBS TV will return to brilliant new drama2010. 08.23 (Mon) 18:12
[Creative= hongeunmi Bloomberg News] Jang musicians have once again scheduled to have a comeback.
This year a collection of topical drama Jang SBS TV 'You're Beautiful' (SBS) since the return to the drama is about a years. Initially the movie, 'You pet' but will return to, as production delays to meet fans and was the first drama.
Drama Mary the oebakjung 'the Loveand Death damssatgo intimate cheolbyeoknyeo wimaeriga accidentally attractivemetal group's vocal begins dating gangmu results. Background, personality, everything looks perfect, but capable men kkimyeonseo byeonjeonginyi occur between the two triangularrelationshipwill be drawn.
Conversely, the rocker gangmugyeol Jang 'You're Beautiful' took on the role of another musician. In previous works yeokyieotdamyeon Idol singer of the band, this time a different metal group's vocal performance is expected to be ppumeul charm.
'Mary, the oebakjung' the popular cartoon 'Full House' a popular series of cartoons drawn wonsuyeon original manga in February last year, a drama series has been through the portal site.
KBS according to officials, "scheduled for broadcast in January the following year Mary the oebakjung 'Jang in the cast has been finalized. The other stars casting process is. Yet no concrete information, and the director determineswas not. Chibunhi will prepare, "said said.
[Daily = hongeunmi TV reporter]
this one said CONFIRMED and will be broadcasted in JAN!!
if so, this will be a good news, no more IRIS 2.
2010年8月24日 星期二07:33
在去年SBS TV《原來是美男》中,張根碩飾演一名歌手,曾引起熱門話題。時隔一年終於再次出演電視劇,他曾決定出演電影《你是寵物》,但由於製作的推延,於是先透過電視劇與粉絲見面。
Jang, KBS TV will return to brilliant new drama2010. 08.23 (Mon) 18:12
[Creative= hongeunmi Bloomberg News] Jang musicians have once again scheduled to have a comeback.
This year a collection of topical drama Jang SBS TV 'You're Beautiful' (SBS) since the return to the drama is about a years. Initially the movie, 'You pet' but will return to, as production delays to meet fans and was the first drama.
Drama Mary the oebakjung 'the Loveand Death damssatgo intimate cheolbyeoknyeo wimaeriga accidentally attractivemetal group's vocal begins dating gangmu results. Background, personality, everything looks perfect, but capable men kkimyeonseo byeonjeonginyi occur between the two triangularrelationshipwill be drawn.
Conversely, the rocker gangmugyeol Jang 'You're Beautiful' took on the role of another musician. In previous works yeokyieotdamyeon Idol singer of the band, this time a different metal group's vocal performance is expected to be ppumeul charm.
'Mary, the oebakjung' the popular cartoon 'Full House' a popular series of cartoons drawn wonsuyeon original manga in February last year, a drama series has been through the portal site.
KBS according to officials, "scheduled for broadcast in January the following year Mary the oebakjung 'Jang in the cast has been finalized. The other stars casting process is. Yet no concrete information, and the director determineswas not. Chibunhi will prepare, "said said.
[Daily = hongeunmi TV reporter]
this one said CONFIRMED and will be broadcasted in JAN!!
if so, this will be a good news, no more IRIS 2.
Jang Geun-seok close to picking new drama
by javabeans | August 23, 2010 | 111 Comments
If initial reports are confirmed, Jang Geun-seok — a hot commodity these days — may soon be back on television in his next project. It’s an adaptation of Mary Stayed Out All Night [매리는 외박중], a manhwa that comes from the creator of Full House‘s original manhwa (it’s a working title for the drama, which will air on KBS).
Jang had planned for his next role to be the movie adaptation of You’re My Pet, but due to production delays on that project, he may well be back in a drama first. Note: This article talks about the casting as a done deal, but others are saying Jang is “a strong possibility.” I’d say take it all with a grain of salt.
Jang’s management was initially reported to say, “He is planning to return with the drama Mary Stayed Out All Night in November. The character and script haven’t been decided in concrete detail yet, so he is preparing slowly, and will try hard to show a different appeal in this role.” A subsequent article backtracked and said, “He is looking favorably at the role.”
Mary Stayed Out All Night deals with a woman (the titular Mary) who decides she is through with dating, but then strikes up a romance with a “dangerous-looking but charming” death-metal band vocalist. A “lively, upbeat” love triangle develops with a third character, a “perfect type” of man who’s got it all goin’ on in terms of looks, skills, personality, and family background.
Jang Geun-seok just played a pop group vocalist in last year’s hit drama You’re Beautiful. He’ll again play a musician here, albeit a harder-edged rocker than the idol star of the previous series.
This project will be a co-production between Korea’s KBS Media and Japan’s ACC Korea and will be written by In Eun-ah, who wrote the drama phenom Goong and the cotton-candy-sweet Love & Marriage. A director has yet to be confirmed. There are a few stars in contention for the Mary role, though we haven’t been given any hints thus far.
Via Sports Chosun
proper translation for the previous news,
still not confirmed yet.
BTW, Suk's left message in the official site last night, he just said he would pick up new project soon.......
If initial reports are confirmed, Jang Geun-seok — a hot commodity these days — may soon be back on television in his next project. It’s an adaptation of Mary Stayed Out All Night [매리는 외박중], a manhwa that comes from the creator of Full House‘s original manhwa (it’s a working title for the drama, which will air on KBS).
Jang had planned for his next role to be the movie adaptation of You’re My Pet, but due to production delays on that project, he may well be back in a drama first. Note: This article talks about the casting as a done deal, but others are saying Jang is “a strong possibility.” I’d say take it all with a grain of salt.
Jang’s management was initially reported to say, “He is planning to return with the drama Mary Stayed Out All Night in November. The character and script haven’t been decided in concrete detail yet, so he is preparing slowly, and will try hard to show a different appeal in this role.” A subsequent article backtracked and said, “He is looking favorably at the role.”
Mary Stayed Out All Night deals with a woman (the titular Mary) who decides she is through with dating, but then strikes up a romance with a “dangerous-looking but charming” death-metal band vocalist. A “lively, upbeat” love triangle develops with a third character, a “perfect type” of man who’s got it all goin’ on in terms of looks, skills, personality, and family background.
Jang Geun-seok just played a pop group vocalist in last year’s hit drama You’re Beautiful. He’ll again play a musician here, albeit a harder-edged rocker than the idol star of the previous series.
This project will be a co-production between Korea’s KBS Media and Japan’s ACC Korea and will be written by In Eun-ah, who wrote the drama phenom Goong and the cotton-candy-sweet Love & Marriage. A director has yet to be confirmed. There are a few stars in contention for the Mary role, though we haven’t been given any hints thus far.
Via Sports Chosun
proper translation for the previous news,
still not confirmed yet.
BTW, Suk's left message in the official site last night, he just said he would pick up new project soon.......
臉書拍成電影 9月紐約首映
2010-08-23 記者陳怡均/綜合外電報導
Facbook(臉書)成為全球最受歡迎且具影響力的社交網站,吸引片商拍攝創辦人馬克.查克柏格(Mark Zuckerberg)創辦Facebook的故事,傳聞即將於9月的紐約電影節首映。但此部電影卻也讓Facebook與片商鬧得相當不愉快,兩位Facebook高層看過此片後,都表示不喜歡。
紐約時報指出,好萊塢將推出一部描寫查克柏格創立Facebook的電影,片名為「社交網站(The Social Network,暫譯)」,預計由索尼影業在10月1日正式上映。
「社交網站」製片人魯丁(Scott Rudin)表示,兩位Facebook高層不久前已看過此片,分別是通訊行銷部門副總裁史瑞芝(Elliot Schrage)與營運長桑德柏格(Sheryl Sandberg),但他們都不喜歡。
Facbook(臉書)成為全球最受歡迎且具影響力的社交網站,吸引片商拍攝創辦人馬克.查克柏格(Mark Zuckerberg)創辦Facebook的故事,傳聞即將於9月的紐約電影節首映。但此部電影卻也讓Facebook與片商鬧得相當不愉快,兩位Facebook高層看過此片後,都表示不喜歡。
紐約時報指出,好萊塢將推出一部描寫查克柏格創立Facebook的電影,片名為「社交網站(The Social Network,暫譯)」,預計由索尼影業在10月1日正式上映。
「社交網站」製片人魯丁(Scott Rudin)表示,兩位Facebook高層不久前已看過此片,分別是通訊行銷部門副總裁史瑞芝(Elliot Schrage)與營運長桑德柏格(Sheryl Sandberg),但他們都不喜歡。
張根碩台灣賣票 1小時掃光
韓星李洪基(左起)、朴信惠、鄭容和與張根碩在韓劇《原來是美男》中組男子團體「A.N. JELL」。
【陳玉恬╱綜合報導】張根碩和朴信惠挾著韓劇《原來是美男》的超人氣,10月2日晚間7點在台北體育館所舉辦的「A.N. SHOW 2010 in TAIPEI」門票4000張,1小時內全售罄。
August 23, 2010
李善均-崔江熙再次攜手 電影《吝嗇羅曼史》再譜戀情
2010年8月23日 星期一13:11
chef is really non stop in acting, working all the time.
鄭宇成出現「SM TOWN LIVE 10 WORLD TOUR」現場 給BoA做一日保鏢?
2010年8月23日 星期一14:48
備受關注的韓劇《IRIS》的外傳作品《雅典娜:戰爭女神》中男主人公鄭宇成,21日出現在了蠶室主競技場舉行的「SM TOWN LIVE 10 WORLD TOUR」的現場吸引了眾人的關注。
在這部電視劇中友情出演當紅歌手的BoA,公演的場面直接在「SM TOWN LIVE 10 WORLD TOUR」現場拍攝。當天拍攝的內容是,扮演女歌手的BoA正在進行公演,鄭宇成接到了「有危險」的情報後,來到現場保護BoA的緊張情節。聚集了4萬名粉絲的SM TOWN公演現場,在劇中將被設定成BoA的日本演唱會現場。在實際演唱會現場進行的拍攝,相信能讓電視劇觀眾們都切實感受到現場那種真實火熱的氣氛的。
6 countries, how Mary would fight back?
備受關注的韓劇《IRIS》的外傳作品《雅典娜:戰爭女神》中男主人公鄭宇成,21日出現在了蠶室主競技場舉行的「SM TOWN LIVE 10 WORLD TOUR」的現場吸引了眾人的關注。
在這部電視劇中友情出演當紅歌手的BoA,公演的場面直接在「SM TOWN LIVE 10 WORLD TOUR」現場拍攝。當天拍攝的內容是,扮演女歌手的BoA正在進行公演,鄭宇成接到了「有危險」的情報後,來到現場保護BoA的緊張情節。聚集了4萬名粉絲的SM TOWN公演現場,在劇中將被設定成BoA的日本演唱會現場。在實際演唱會現場進行的拍攝,相信能讓電視劇觀眾們都切實感受到現場那種真實火熱的氣氛的。
6 countries, how Mary would fight back?
Jang, wonsuyeon drama 'oebakjung Mary the' appeared influential
this news also said not confirmed yet.
this news also said not confirmed yet.
Jang 'Mary the oebakjung' appearance? "Under Consideration not confirmed"
Jang The KBS drama 'Mary the oebakjung' appearance has been known under consideration.
23 days Sports Chosun, "Jang movie 'You Pet keombaekhal to be delayed, but as production drama that oebakjung Mary' to appear on," he said alone.
In this regard, Jang agency cautious stance with the media, said one. Appeared to show a positive review and not a situation that might be the mateuna contract. Not according to the news appeared inconclusive.
Meanwhile, the buzz starring Jang Mary the oebakjung 'the drama' Full House 'draws comics that Original Inter wonsuyeon popular. By February next year is being serialized.
You're Pet delays and the drama is under consideration.
No contract signed yet.
23 days Sports Chosun, "Jang movie 'You Pet keombaekhal to be delayed, but as production drama that oebakjung Mary' to appear on," he said alone.
In this regard, Jang agency cautious stance with the media, said one. Appeared to show a positive review and not a situation that might be the mateuna contract. Not according to the news appeared inconclusive.
Meanwhile, the buzz starring Jang Mary the oebakjung 'the drama' Full House 'draws comics that Original Inter wonsuyeon popular. By February next year is being serialized.
You're Pet delays and the drama is under consideration.
No contract signed yet.
[Exclusive] Jang Keun Suk, November drama of 'Mary oebakjung' comeback by
The next Hallyu star Jang drama of Mary oebakjung '(KBS2 and gauze) and back. Last year, a collection of topical drama 'handsome' (SBS) is after nearly a years. Jang originally a movie, 'You pet' will return to production but as a delay to meet fans and was the first drama.
Drama Mary the oebakjung 'damssatgo the intimate romance and danger, but an attractive chance cheolbyeoknyeo wimaeriga death metal group's vocal abilities gangmu results start fishing, but the background nature, everything looks perfect man byeonjeonginyi kkimyeonseo between the two toktok occur bouncing triangle draw lively.
Conversely, the rocker gangmugyeol Jang 'You're Beautiful' took on the role of another musician. Predecessor, the idol singer of the band's vocal group called Metal yeokyieotdamyeon this time as well as smoking are expected to show another musical charm.
'Mary, the oebakjung' the popular cartoon 'Full House' a popular series of cartoons drawn wonsuyeon original manga in February last year, a drama series has been through the portal site.
Drama of the ACC Korea, Japan and South Korea's KBS Media will gongdongjejakhal the drama 'Palace' love marriage 'ineunah writers wrote the script which he was director has not been set yet. Jang's sangdaeyeokin wimaeri station rain and a few star pieces, be involved in casting station is up.
Jang agency is "in November drama of Mary oebakjung 'plans to return to. Yet, etc. determines the specific character and the script does not introduce them slowly, I will try to prepare another appeal," he said.
Meanwhile, suk in the last six months in places like Taiwan, China, Singapore, Tokyo, Osaka, Hong Kong, followed on Sept. 5 in Asia paenmitingui last Hwajeong Gymnasium, Seoul, Korea University, Anam-2010 suk Asian tour in Seoul, The Last Inn 'and is scheduled to be held.
another news today, even use the word [exclusive]
I think he is taking this drama.
singer, love triangle..... ah......anything new for the drama?
Mr. Jang wants to be a singer so much, he has been the singers for many times.........
Drama 'Mary the oebakjung' starring Jang Keun Suk potent
Rain, Song Hye-starring drama 'Full House' of the original manga artist who wonsuyeon Mary the oebakjung 'is a drama production.
23 days, according to industry, 'Mary, the oebakjung' KBS Media and the ACC Media Korea soon after the shooting as co-producer will be known as rush.
This drama is currently working on casting a step, both inside and outside the industry is looking forward to getting together.
'Mary, the oebakjung' a 'Full House' as a collection of popular, comic readers. Stuttering stubborn and tough women compelling love story of a youthful rocker drew.
Flame of men and women at first sight, this like a tug of war, dating to the early changes in watching two people facing each other before the artist's beautiful drawings and great story-specific unwinding configuration.
Today Star News that the official "Man, starring actor Jang as a strong state, whether the appearance is approaching," he said.
If you embark on a starring Jang, SBS drama 'You're Beautiful' singer behind Jang again embark on the role will be chasing the Woman 's depth. And women are expected to capture the hearts of viewers.
Official "Mary the oebakjung 'a' Full House 'drama in the content, connecting with a pass of the artist as wonsuyeon the higher the value," said, "As with the original drama also is expected to attract many fans to call," he said.
This drama by KBS Media Publisher as naseoneun broadcast on KBS is a good chance. Regarding KBS official said, "yet has never been confirmed internally. Broadcast will be aired the following 30 days 2TV 'Sungkyunkwan scandal comes as the subsequent work in November broadcasting is potent," he said.
source :
dc fans made
Post google translation directly, no one knows Korean, right?
August 22, 2010
August 21, 2010
松本潤《虹戀》被斬至10集 指演技差與竹內生疏
《虹戀》打著唯美姐弟戀的旗號,松本潤和竹內結子這對情侶檔卻始終無法吸引觀眾「兩人在戲外也是關係生疏,形同陌路人」,圈內人指兩位男女主角缺乏Love Love的默契直接影響到感情戲的質量是這部劇敗走的主要原因。劇組人員曝料《虹戀》在開拍初期,松本和竹內戲外也頗為親暱,「反而是隨著拍攝的深入,兩人越來越疏遠了」,「在拍攝第一話大雅和詩織近距離對望的鏡頭時,兩人幾度笑場而NG,氣氛很融洽」。松本和竹內個人都擁有高人氣,但《虹戀》的收視就一直沒有起色「其他電視台怕是暗中在幸災樂禍」,媒體對此劇的評價也是慢慢走低。也許是受低收視和輿論環境的影響,進入8月份,《虹戀》片場的氣氛就大不如前「以前松本和竹內都會一起看鏡頭的回放,現在就是各顧各的,彼此不愛打理對方」。拍大雅擁抱詩織情景的當天,現場也不見兩人會交流表演「也許松本是為了集中注意力投入到角色中吧,但怎麼看還是覺得有些奇怪」。
或者最近看慣韓劇,所以覺得節奏 ok,但以日劇10-12集的標準,虹戀的內容是較慢,而且不能緊緊的捉住眼球。要被斬有點傷心。
《虹戀》打著唯美姐弟戀的旗號,松本潤和竹內結子這對情侶檔卻始終無法吸引觀眾「兩人在戲外也是關係生疏,形同陌路人」,圈內人指兩位男女主角缺乏Love Love的默契直接影響到感情戲的質量是這部劇敗走的主要原因。劇組人員曝料《虹戀》在開拍初期,松本和竹內戲外也頗為親暱,「反而是隨著拍攝的深入,兩人越來越疏遠了」,「在拍攝第一話大雅和詩織近距離對望的鏡頭時,兩人幾度笑場而NG,氣氛很融洽」。松本和竹內個人都擁有高人氣,但《虹戀》的收視就一直沒有起色「其他電視台怕是暗中在幸災樂禍」,媒體對此劇的評價也是慢慢走低。也許是受低收視和輿論環境的影響,進入8月份,《虹戀》片場的氣氛就大不如前「以前松本和竹內都會一起看鏡頭的回放,現在就是各顧各的,彼此不愛打理對方」。拍大雅擁抱詩織情景的當天,現場也不見兩人會交流表演「也許松本是為了集中注意力投入到角色中吧,但怎麼看還是覺得有些奇怪」。
或者最近看慣韓劇,所以覺得節奏 ok,但以日劇10-12集的標準,虹戀的內容是較慢,而且不能緊緊的捉住眼球。要被斬有點傷心。
August 20, 2010
[INTERVIEW] Model and actor Kim Jae-wook - Part 3 [end]
10: Well since you're done with the drama, you'll have to start your activities with band 'Walrus.' How did this come about in the beginning?
Kim Jae-wook: We're all friends from college. It started with the three of us but we didn't have a bassist so one person joined recently. I had always wanted to work with him and it turns out he finished serving in the military early this year so I half forced him to join. (laugh)
10: I heard that it's been nine years since Walrus was formed. You weren't able to pursue your activities as a band very actively so what was the driving force behind you remaining together?
Kim: I'm not sure about that either. And I don't know about the other members but I at least have never given up on the fact that I'll do a band. Added to that, I always thought, 'I'm going to do a band. I'm going to do it with these guys.'
10: I don't know if it's understandable for a third party but how is it that you're sure that it's 'these guys' that you want to work with? I'm sure it's not just an issue of being close friends with them.
Kim: Hmm... Well with drummer Tae-hyun, I thought that I should do with him the moment I first saw him when I entered college. And I got to know the guitarist a bit after that. I think everybody feels like this? It doesn't work with one-sided love. I'm sure there are vocalists who are much better than me and drummers much better than Tae-hyun but I just felt that I should work with him.
10: I'm sure you have a simple dream for your band, not as a model or actor.
Kim: Well, if I may tell you without any consideration of what my band might think, (laugh) it's my dream to go on tour like in the movie "Almost Famous." We'd all live together in one bus for months -- the members of our band, the staff and a reporter from a magazine. I think it would be impossible to do in Korea so maybe, if I may be a bit greedy, I think I'd be very happy if I could live like that for a few months in the Asian market.
10: You performed on stage a couple of times last year including at the Grand Mint Festival. How would you evaluate your band's perfomance?
Kim: I don't know. I don't look at what we did afterwards. It's not because I'm confident but because I'm not. When I was in high school or before I started acting, I had so much freedom because people didn't have the image of me as being 'actor Kim Jae-wook' but I couldn't find my tension in the two performances I did after that. The performance had to go with my music, mood and style but my body just wouldn't move well. It's not that I'm scared of damaging my image as an actor. But I'm aware of it. Ultimately, it goes down to me, my identity. Fundamentally, there's also the problem of not having rehearsed enough or not having certainty about my music. I don't know when I'll be performing again but I'm going to try not to be like that again. I'm very sensitive about such trial and error. I need to make sure that it doesn't happen again if I want to feel happy about it. And I need to monitor what I've done. I still block my ears and scream "Ahhhhhh I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!!" when my friends start saying, "Hey, I saw you on YouTube and..." (laugh)
10: But I thought that people who do work that involves showing many other people usually fall under strong narcissism. I think they don't have that certain aura about them without it. It doesn't necessarily have to be narcissism but do you think you sort of have something like that too?
Kim: I do. I think it's really hard to be in this industry without it. I talked about that once with actor Lee Sun-kyun while drinking with him -- whether someone without narcissism can do something by exposing themselves and make something that has no answer to it. And we came to the conclusion that you can't express something and show who you are without being narcissistic. But the word 'narcissism' doesn't give off such a great vibe in Korea. It all goes down to whether you change some form of energy into narcissism and while I think I mostly felt hostility and rebellious when I was younger, I think I've changed a bit now. I've become more broad-minded as well. I think it shows in the lyrics that I write too.
10: I think songwriting probably feels different from modeling or acting in the sense that you express your idea in text and deliver it through singing. In a way I think it's the most difficult job to mask yourself.
Kim: I think I show myself the most through music. Because it's a genre where you can so express everything so purely without any filtering. And that's also why I think it's the most difficult. It's difficult and I try to be careful with it. Maybe that's why it took nine years. (laugh) And it's also difficult because I didn't learn to write somewhere and I don't know how others do it.
10: You started working in your late teens and you're now in your late twenties. I would say that you've relatively taken a path that you've chosen for yourself. What do you think?
Kim: I had fun. And rather than finding satisfaction out of it, I really think 'I would've had a really hard time if I hadn't done it this way.' Back then it was a really small choice that I made but I think not giving up or stepping back changed a lot of things for me. I also think I'm lucky even with the fact I've gotten this far. I guess I'm lucky. I actually haven't changed by much compared to then. I've just become more sly so I act differently from then in how I try not to have people misunderstand me, dislike me and not think I'm weird. If I keep using my energy to express hostility or rebelliousness while living a life that others don't think is natural, I'll only be turning myself into an outsider. But I think I'm growing increasingly scared because I didn't used to feel much stress over this back then. Now, I have things I need to protect and support, and a small mistake I make can lead to causing big problems. So I do have migraines that I didn't have before.
10: Do you still become interested in different fields of work?
Kim: Yes, I've had so many dreams since I was young. A police officer, cook, archeologist and I've also wanted to save penguins in the South Pole. But there's only a limited number of things one can do in their lifetime. And even though I know that, there are still new things that pop into my mind. I recently became an avid fan of the Spanish national football team. And I though, 'Is it too late to start soccer at 27?' I wanted to become a national soccer player of the Spanish team rather than wanting to play soccer. And I'm Korean! (laugh) So I just bought their home and away uniforms. I wear it when I'm at home and when I workout. I actually like baseball the most but I play a lot of soccer these days.
10: What do you think you need to live with the minimum amount of satisfaction?
Kim: I think it's people. The energy that is made during the time I spend while I'm alone is created during the time that I don't spend alone. So I think ultimately, you gain the most from people and you can't do anything without them.
10: Then what is the virtue you consider the most important of people and what would you never look past?
Kim: Hmm... This is difficult. There are many things I feel instinctively everyday when meeting people but I don't think I've ever put them into words. And of course there are a lot of things I wouldn't approve of. But I'll talk about this again when we do an unlimited interview. (laugh)
Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
[INTERVIEW] Model and actor Kim Jae-wook - Part 2
10: I heard that you spoke almost no Korean when you first returned to Korea around the time you entered elementary school. It must've been very stressful not being able to speak your native language at that age.
Kim: Hmm... This is from a very long time ago but my dad and older brother actually spoke Japanese well but not my mom. So me and my mom communicated in a very weird way and instead, I think I knew how to communicate with Koreans who don't speak any Japanese. I learned the Korean alphabet only after I got into school, while everyone else was learning what one plus one is, but kids young early at that age.
10: The strict rules and uniform system of Korean middle and high schools is difficult for even normal Korean students to bear. I heard you tended to ask many questions about irrational regulations regarding clothing or hair when you were in school. I'm curious to know how you beared through those times because such conflict leads to extreme clashes or the student quitting school.
Kim: Once, when I was in middle school, I told my parents that I might not go to high school while we were in the car on our way to eat out. My dad isn't the type that interferes with my life but for the first time that day, I remember him saying, "But still, how about you study humanities in high school?" And being able to join a band when I go to high school played a big part too.
10: You already knew you'd be able to?
Kim: Because my brother was a bassist at a band in Seoul High School. So I was thinking I'd go to Seoul High School too and join that band but I ended up being assigned to Dankook High School.
10: It seems like joining the band was more important to you than going to high school?
Kim: I think that was sort of was the case. (laugh) Luckily, there was a band with tradition at Dankook too so I think I probably stayed in school thanks to getting into that band. I actually wasn't even going to college up till my senior year of high school. I've hurt my mom before from not going to school. I wasn't the trustworthy student.
10: Were you under any sort of determination when joining the band? Or have any thoughts on what you'd do if you didn't get in?
Kim: No. I was only thinking that I must get in.
10: Did you think you'd get in?
Kim: ... Yes. (laugh)
10: How was the audition?
Kim: The auditions took place at a classroom, on top of the teacher's table. Unaccompanied. Students trying out as vocalists all sat in a row at the back and sang in front of the juniors and seniors one by one. I remember being extremely nervous because it was the first time I was singing in front of someone for a certain purpose. I don't think I was that nervous the first time I walked the runway.
10: You started modeling in your junior year of high school too. It's a very common job now but it must've been very rare that a high school student was a model back then.
Kim: That's right. I wasn't even interested in fashion then, all I wanted to do was music, and it started with one or two shots in a magazine. Somehow things got serious but it wasn't as if I had graduated an academy and I hadn't even learned to walk when I went on my first show. I was a mess. (laugh) Now that I think about it, I don't know where I got the nerves to do it.
10: Many people like you who like music, especially rock and are in a band, decide that music is their path and will be their lifetime job. You majored in applied music in college as well.
Kim: I think I was like that up till high school. I'm sure there are lots of people like me but I really blindly idolized Kurt Cobain. It was to the extent that I thought I want to die like him when I'm 27 after releasing just three or four albums. There was even a time when I had an inferiority complex about my family being so happy. I was an immature high school kid who used to try to rationalize by thinking, 'You need to live that kind of life to make that sort of music and release that sort of energy. That's the only thing I lack in.' (laugh)
10: But it seems like you've been making choices which show you're not swayed too much by what people say and just do what you think is important instead of what people say you're good at. Have you ever thought , 'I made the choice but quite tiring and difficult living like this'?
Kim: I haven't. I'd be lying if I said I've never thought that but if I hadn't [done what I've done], I think I would've had a much harder time. I think I would have been agonized everyday if I had made the wrong choice just because I didn't want to stand out and go with the flow of the times or submit to someone's pressure. And I don't want to live like that.
10: The entertainment industry is a place where you start building up on your career the moment your face gets known. But it seems like the way you have worked till now is to push out popularity or practical things as much as possible. Even with the image you gained from "Coffee Prince" or "Antique," people usually try to utilize that and make the most of it, not lay it aside. So it seems as if at one point, you might leave behind everything that you've achieved so far with no regrets, and disappear. What are the thoughts you have behind all that? I won't die even if I don't do this? I can become more happy doing something else?
Kim: I think it's actually the opposite. If I think about whether there is something I could concentrate on as hard as I do on what I do right now, there isn't. I once taught aspiring models for about a year. I'm not the type that is good at teaching people so I just told them about my experiences and once said, "Put aside money or reputation, I want to be someone who can quit my job when I can think, 'There's nothing more to suck out of me.'" Then one student lashed out at me saying, "Do you think that's realistically possible? Why are you trying to be so cool like that?" In a way, I think it's only natural that the student responded like that. But I do hope to be the principal agent of my life. I think that's the last string that I will keep hanging onto. I think I'd become a component the moment I let go of it.
10: But I think if you're in a system which tries so hard to turn people into components, it's hard in itself just trying not to become one. And people age.
Kim: Yes, as people age, they want more stability and there are things they have to protect. But there are too many things I haven't been able to do with the energy that I have right now. It's too early for me to say I can find another form of energy from that. As of now, I'm not sure whether when I'm in my thirties, that I will proudly be able to say 'I was like this in my twenties' or feel embarrassed about having been so immature.
10: But with music, especially if you're comparing yourself with someone like Kurt Cobain, I think it's a genre where you can see the limit of your talent very clearly. Have you ever thought of that?
Kim: I've felt it from a long time ago. I think it's an excuse to say I haven't been able to concentrate my energy on one field, that's just the lmit to what I can do but I cling onto it. And because that's when I feel the most alive. But I don't think I would've said all of this if I was younger. I had been living such a risky and competitive life till now that the moment I admitted to it, I might have become crushed. Now, I think I've become more at ease compared to then. And I both like it and dislike it. It makes me think whether I'm just becoming like everyone else, that I'm losing my uniqueness.
Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
[INTERVIEW] Model and actor Kim Jae-wook - Part 1
Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun
Photographer : Chae ki-won
Editor : Lee Ji-Hye
Editor : Jessica Kim
"I don't know where he went. Whether he went to the countryside by himself, whether he went to meet his mother, or he might've been on his way to commit suicide." This was Kim Jae-wook's explanation of his character Hong Jae-wook from SBS TV series "Bad Boy" who left alone, leaving everything behind. This man who had always been the first to take on the most 'hot' and trendy roles as proven in MBC drama "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince" and film "Antique," always turned his back on the spotlight headed towards him. And he then showed a new side to him through "Bad Boy" by playing an heir of a conglomerate who is temperamental and acts the way he pleases, yet on the inside is actually craving for affection. But despite his jobs as being a model, actor and musician, the most attractive aspect to Kim is Kim Jae-wook himself. 10Asia took a peak into the interesting world that this 27-year-old man lives in.
10: It's been about two weeks since shooting for "Bad Boy" has ended. How have you been since then?
Kim Jae-wook: It feels like it's been more than a month. I did nothing but sleep. I'm tired no matter how much I sleep and the fatigue won't go away. When I'm working on a drama or movie, the thought that I'll get to meet so and so and do this and that when I'm done, is in a way sort of the hope and drive that keeps you going but now that I'm actually done, my body can't keep up. I feel lethargic about everything right now.
10: Does it have anything to do with the style of the drama or the role you played?
Kim: The thing is, it's hard to make a judgement on that. When I was done filming "Antique," there was definitely a process and time it took to shed off my character but I just wasn't quite aware of it when I was actually in that situation. You realize it once you let go of the character completely. Right now, I'm not sure. And put aside what others think, I myself sometimes wonder to myself whether I've already caught the actor disease when I'm not even anybody yet. Also, from a realistic standpoint, things didn't end the way I planned them to so that's also why it feels like I haven't come to a complete stop.
10: But of all the different work that you've done so far including modeling, music and even movies, dramas are the most popular genre. What was the response from people around you?
Kim: The funny thing is, I had monitored the show with Kim Nam-gil and Han Ga-in, and after the show goes on air, they'd receive piles of text messages from the chief of their agencies, friends, mothers... And they would say what was good and what was bad but never once did I get such messages. I guess I haven't lived my life properly. (laugh) When I talk to people around me for something else, they'd just say, "I saw you on the show briefly. You were pretty good." Even my own parents sent a text message once, after the first show, saying they saw me and when I asked later on why they wouldn't call me after the shows air, she said, "Why, do I have to? I saw you, I did. I just expected you to be busy." (laugh)
10: How was it working on Korea-Japan co-production "The Love of Pygmalion" with director Kim Yoon-chul? He's probably the person that thought the hardest about how to utilize an actor who isn't used to the TV camera.
Kim: I'm actually quite... the type that bothers the director a lot on set. It was like that with director Min Kyu-dong for "Antique" and with director Lee Hyung-min too. Other people might think we're fighting (laugh) but I'm always asking "Why?" But I never had to do that for "Pygmalion." I was cast for the movie in mid-December and we talked about every single scene so much, for almost a month and a half until we went into shoot, that my script was almost in shreds. Because we had talked about everything, I had a firm trust in him when I went onto the set so when the director says something, I'd say okay right away. I wanted to die because we shot under an extremely tight schedule but I think I felt very comfortable on set.
10: "Bad Boy" is almost the first time a role you've played has been involved in romance properly.
Kim: That's right. It was fun. I feel this everytime I take on a role but I'm very lucky when it comes to people so all of the actors were such great people that we came to be close enough not to misunderstood each other no matter what was said. It was very comfortable acting with them. And I actually become so close with Han that she said she actually felt uncomfortable shooting our kissing scene. (laugh)
10: In that sense, your relationship seemed like that of brother and sister rather than a man and woman.
Kim: I think it rubbed off from how I usually treat her. For example, if we were given detailed directions, we'd do what we've been told to. But in a situation where we have more freedom, it's up to the actors to show the changes in expression or create the atmosphere. If there's a kissing scene, there's a subtle change in the atmosphere before and after it, but it's no use calculating what you should do after that because what comes after that depends on how that kissing scene is shot. You could treat the other person more gently or become like a child. That's why we just concentrated on each other for each scene based on the most basic frame. We'd do ad-libs to the point that it wouldn't be problematic, that would change how the other person responds and then you start forming things that only you two know. We had fun doing the acting but I don't know what viewers might have thought of it. (laugh)
10: Have you been given a more diverse range of scenarios or projects since "Bad Boy"?
Kim: I was given a lot of roles along the lines of the pretty boy from "Coffee Prince" when that ended and then similar roles to the gay patisserie I am in "Antique" after that was shown. The funny things is, I was wondering whether things would change a bit after "Bad Boy" but I think I haven't been given very different roles yet. And I actually haven't been able to look closely into the scenarios. I think I'd have a hard time feeling, "Oh! I like this!" in my current state... It would probably be closer to "Ha... I guess I should do this one..." I think I won't have an easy time making new choices for the time being.
10: You lived in Japan when you were young so you pulled off your lines in Japanese very easily in "Bad Boy." Being able to speak a foreign language also means you're open to more opportunities. Are you interested in any other languages regardless of how practical it is?
Kim Jae-wook: I do think I'm much more interested than other people. And I really want to speak English and Spanish well but the problem is that the desire is stronger than the effort I put in. (laugh) I don't have to sound like a native, I just wish I could deliver my opinion, but I don't study it separately because I'm lazy. And I relieve my stress of having to study by watching "Friends." I turn it on, thinking I'll start by working on my listening skills, and end up just listening the whole time while moving around the house.
Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
美男張根碩拍攝海報 變身可愛漫畫主人公
2010年8月20日 星期五09:04
love the first one most!
張根碩 朴信惠 10月攻台開唱
August 19, 2010
東方神起俊秀接機雷人照 韓國明星們機場直擊
女藝人們的機場服飾一般是舒適的短靴配以顯眼的T恤、為了遮蓋素顏的太陽鏡等。這與在舞台或拍攝現場上以華麗的禮服和眾多的飾品而光彩照人的面貌多少有些不同。但是,因為女藝人擁有天生的美貌及努力保持的身材,最近After School的Nana和嘉熙也曾因為上傳到網絡娛樂版的《機場直拍》而引發了熱議。看過該照片的網民們極度稱讚說:「沒修飾還那麼顯眼…藝人果然不同。」
女藝人們的機場服飾一般是舒適的短靴配以顯眼的T恤、為了遮蓋素顏的太陽鏡等。這與在舞台或拍攝現場上以華麗的禮服和眾多的飾品而光彩照人的面貌多少有些不同。但是,因為女藝人擁有天生的美貌及努力保持的身材,最近After School的Nana和嘉熙也曾因為上傳到網絡娛樂版的《機場直拍》而引發了熱議。看過該照片的網民們極度稱讚說:「沒修飾還那麼顯眼…藝人果然不同。」
dc+韓劇社的小道 - KBS 新劇
1. KBS 劇,11/8 首播 ==> IRIS 2 同期!
2. full house 作家漫畫改編,和音樂有關,男一像是主唱 (改吧,不要再站在台上了)
3. 漫畫 link
4. 兩男一女,鄭容和男二 (個人覺得無可能)
5. suk dc 已收到風,貼圖


7.根據張演員 8/5 官網留言,他接了新作,等待正式公佈。
又是音樂題材,張演員請演別的,AN JELL 已是亞洲天團,無人能及;
IRIS 2 雅典娜!美男已對著 IRIS,張演員做一次還不夠,別那麼殘忍。
2. full house 作家漫畫改編,和音樂有關,男一像是主唱 (改吧,不要再站在台上了)
3. 漫畫 link
4. 兩男一女,鄭容和男二 (個人覺得無可能)
5. suk dc 已收到風,貼圖

7.根據張演員 8/5 官網留言,他接了新作,等待正式公佈。
又是音樂題材,張演員請演別的,AN JELL 已是亞洲天團,無人能及;
IRIS 2 雅典娜!美男已對著 IRIS,張演員做一次還不夠,別那麼殘忍。
1003 DJ 阿Ken 訪張根碩 被臭罵
電台1003 DJ 阿Ken暢談近距離接觸韓星,爆出訪問韓國花美男張根碩慘被粉絲炮轟!
韓流韓不停,1003電台DJ阿Ken也經常訪問韓星,FT Island、美男張根碩、U-kiss、2AM、F.CUZ、After School……與俊男美女偶像作的是零距離接觸,讓各方追星追到「笑」的粉絲羨慕到應聲倒地!
「我的訪問提到粉絲能在影迷會看到什麼,張根碩說『I will show my everything(我會付出我的全部,內容大意),當時我為了搞搞氣氛,反問他『your everything『(你的全部)?他笑笑說『是』,還搞笑地將『everything』提高了聲線,但有粉絲看罷,不知怎的卻認為我『害』她們的偶像走入『陷阱』,令張根碩處境很尷尬!」
一時失言 被粉絲罵丟臉
被粉絲痛批,Ken有點難過,在主持影迷會時,因用華語直譯「Jang Keun Suk will inside one of you」(張根碩會在你們當中出現),又被粉絲批評「英語那麼爛,真讓人丟臉!」
與韓少女天團零距離 心如鹿撞
與韓美少女天團After School零距離,Ken心如鹿撞,眼睛不敢吃冰淇淋!
在Ken眼中,FT Island最純真,拍合照時因《原來是美男》主角之一的李弘基從背後抱他,令他一夜「抱」(爆)紅。
但為韓美少女團體After School主持,Ken「草」心大亂。
「長相美得……有點神聖不可侵犯,訪問時因為要錄音,After School美女都貼近我,當時很緊張,我不敢看她們……」
事後,與After School成員大合照,Ken簡直覺得自己就像金庸筆下的「韋小寶」。
韓美女兩個樣 銀幕上苗條 銀幕下胖妞
「鏡頭過度修飾她們的美,比如銀幕上瘦瘦的,台下卻肉肉的,但接觸After School,覺得她們外型都很亮麗,是我碰過少女時代之外,最美的韓國女子團體。」
Ken本月底會再擔任SS501成員金俊亨的節目主持,而他掌舵的《Seoul K Pop》韓流音樂節目,集粉絲互動、音樂、娛樂資訊與韓星訪問單元,每逢星期三晚上11點到午夜12點就有得聽哦!
陳韻紅 (2010-08-18)
張根碩亞洲巡演盛況結束 最後一站回到韓國感謝本土粉絲
張根碩將於9月5日在高麗大學體育館內舉行「2010 Jang Keunsuk Asia Tour The Last In Seoul」公演。張根碩此次亞洲巡演,在每個城市都帶來了別具特色的表演,得到了爆發式的好評,這次首爾公演也將給粉絲帶來一場前所未有的精彩表演。對於即將到來的公演張根碩表示:「距離今年1月在首爾和粉絲見面已經6個月了,這期間得到了亞洲各國粉絲的喜愛,但是為了感謝不論何時何地都始終支持我的國內粉絲,特別增加了一場首爾公演。為了給大家帶來一場至今為止都沒有看到過的特別的表演,苦惱來苦惱去盡了自己最大的努力。一想到即將和分別已久的粉絲見面就非常激動,期待那天的到來。」張根碩經紀公司負責人員也透露:「門票開始發售的同時就上升到了預售排行榜首位,儘管是給國內粉絲帶來的公演,卻也收到了來自海外各國的詢問,日本和中國方面的公司也有所行動。」
「2010 Jang Keunsuk Asia Tour The Last In Seoul」將於9月5日舉行,門票則可以透過購買。【TVDAILY=趙意知記者】
韓流新星張根碩從今年3月起,成功結束了為其6個月的亞洲巡演活動。據說,他將於下月5日在高麗大學體育館舉行“2010 Asia Tour The Last in Seoul”,以此來為亞洲巡演畫上圓滿句號。
August 18, 2010
A.N. SHOW 2010 in TAIPEI 售票公告如下
地點 :台大綜合體育館
票價 :3500/2800/2500/2000/1500
演出人員 : 張根碩、朴信惠
售票日期 : 2010.07.21 (六) 中午12:00整
於年代售票系統開賣 (
圓頂工作人員 2010.08.17
地點 :台大綜合體育館
票價 :3500/2800/2500/2000/1500
演出人員 : 張根碩、朴信惠
售票日期 : 2010.07.21 (六) 中午12:00整
於年代售票系統開賣 (
圓頂工作人員 2010.08.17

August 17, 2010
20100905 FM 售票
男子樂隊FT Island成功結束日本巡演 2萬餘名日本粉絲參加彰顯人氣
男子樂隊FT Island成功結束了日本巡演。
FT Island上月16日開始在日本名古屋、福岡、大阪、仙台和東京五個城市的Zepp公演場舉行了「Zepp Tour 2010-Hands Up」日本巡演。這次Zepp巡回演唱會售票開始瞬間入場券就全部一搶而空,全日本累計共有2萬餘名粉絲參加了這次巡回演出,給FT Island帶來了火熱的應援。FT Island此次公演每場的節目構成均有變化,也給粉絲們展現了幾個男孩更加成熟的樣子。從最初發表的歌曲到在日本正式發表的兩張單曲專輯的收錄曲,他們演唱了多種風格的歌曲,給觀眾們的眼睛和耳朵都帶去了美好的享受。特別是公演中FT Island成員用日語問候歌迷,流暢的日語實力也讓觀眾們大為驚喜。
成功結束了首次日本巡回演出的FT Island,將於9月4日在日本東京的JCB HALL舉行的「PATi Night」公演中和日本的化學超男子等頂級藝人同台獻藝。【TVDAILY=金填景記者】
missing JCB hall........
August 16, 2010
山田孝之、4年ぶり連ドラ主演で闇金社長役! 漫画「闇金ウシジマくん」ドラマ化

TVドラマという枠の中で闇金の真実、激しい追い込みや社会の実態がどのように描かれるのか? そして山田さんの“闇金社長っぷり”は――?
© 2010 真鍋昌平・小学館/「闇金ウシジマくん」製作委員会・毎日放送
August 15, 2010
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