Photo: Ju Ji Hoon - gimginam reporters, jangyunju:'s chief gimseok
Jangyunju to arrive was not an actress, model?
I'll arrive 10 days that is broadcast MBC 'nolreowa -7 paesyeoni star member of the recording appeared on the model and a fashion show jangyunju back to the stage in the process of public policy at the kids "show back to the stage, but jangyunju kamkam was touching me," he revealed Said.
Hoon is not "one of the fast changing backstage in the midst of the car seems not see the street that someone touches my heart felt" and "this is the chindago colleagues thought it was a male model," he said. Let the Hun "I took my clothes off, but I (left), a joke, she is trying to yunju 'jihunah' grabbed my heart was called," he said.
At this point, the hongjingyeong next to the "men and women regardless of the jangyunju touch and goes everywhere," he said girdle. I heard this was a jangyunju "displays of affection of my own" built around a meaningful smile, said.
韓 國 型 男 朱 智 勛 首 度 飛 新 片 《Antique》 將 於 十 三 日 開 畫 , 有 見 電 影 於 上 月 底 作 首 映 時 評 價 不 俗 , 片 商 特 別 趁 這 個 周 末 , 再 辦 試 映 會 , 讓 朱 智 勛 率 領 同 片 演 員 到 戲 院 宣 傳 造 勢 。
與 此 同 時 , 近 日 為 谷 新 戲 頻 頻 曝 光 的 朱 智 勛 , 於 今 日 播 出 的 一 集 綜 藝 節 目 《 來 玩 吧 》 中 , 透 露 他 於 模 特 兒 時 代 , 在 後 台 匆 忙 換 衫 期 間 , 曾 不 慎 摸 到 女 模 的 胸 部 。
this news is wrong, a female model touched him!! Not he touched her.
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