October 15, 2010

Mary is out all night trailer

credit to rhiizarhiiza @youtube


wow!!! can't wait to watch!!!





The first teaser clip has been released for KBS’s upcoming Mary Stayed Out All Night, and while the video doesn’t show much in the way of plot, it does put a smile on my face with its sunny, feel-good atmosphere (and adorable cast).

This clip is called a “demo video,” which is more a description of its style (it mimics a CF or music-video feel) than its actual function. Let’s just hope it doesn’t pull a Cinderella’s Sister in creating a narrative in the promo clip that doesn’t actually exist anywhere in the series. (Who’s still bitter about that?)

Mary Stayed Out All Night premieres in November. I would say I can’t wait for it to start, except that since the current series airing in its timeslot is the highly addictive and heart-tugging Sungkyunkwan Scandal, I think I’ll just use this as an exercise in patience.

Also, the three leading characters have released their character stills, so it’s Kim Hyo-jin’s turn as the last of the main quartet:

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