12日下午6點舉行張根碩首場巡回演唱會的場地FUKUOKA SUNPALCE HOTEL Hall周圍,從一大早就聚集了大量粉絲,演出開始7小時前,粉絲們就已經將場地團團包圍,令人嘆為觀止。張根碩唱著歌登場,3000名粉絲的歡呼聲響徹上空,現場熱烈的氣氛從開場一直持續到安可表演。張根碩還再現了自己飾演過的角色,帶來了特別的表演。另外現場粉絲們一聽到關於電視劇《瑪麗外宿中》的內容就馬上送上歡呼和掌聲,表達了粉絲們對張根碩新電視劇的期待之情。2個小時公演結束後,張根碩為了感謝久久不肯離去的粉絲們特別帶來了驚喜的安可表演,但是瞬間再次聚集的人群差點釀成了事故,也再次顯示了張根碩人氣之高。
對於這場公演張根碩表示:「再回想安可表演還是覺的非常危險,沒有發生大的事故真是很幸運,能有這麼多人來觀看我的演出真是非常感謝。」福岡公演盛況結束之後,日本粉絲對張根碩在其他城市的演出也充滿期待。張根碩結束福岡演唱會之後將回到韓國拍攝電視劇《瑪麗外宿中》,並於21日再次飛往北海道舉行下一場2010 JANG KEUN SUK JAPAN TOUR演唱會。【TVDAILY=金智賢記者】
Actor Jang two '2010 JANG KEUN SUK JAPAN TOUR 'ended on a great success.
CRT own comeback over one year, KBS drama 'Mary' oebakjung 'shooting eye is not extremely busy, Jang nose for this tour the last 11 days, until the day of departure this morning to shoot the drama has played back, the plane climbed hukuohkahaeng.
Fukuoka Airport on weekdays, but the parade of fans came to see Jang due to phosphate and could, Jang appeared in the airport, fans greeted him with cheers galdeuthan leave a message. One local official said, "In the meantime, a visit of several Hallyu star Jang, but local personnel flocked to see the past history is no exaggeration to say most," Jang said to have realize the popularity of the hot,
12 days 18:00, the show opens, Fukuoka sseonpeulreyiseuhol (FUKUOKA SUNPALCE HOTEL Hall) located close to the theater early in the morning bumbyeoteumyeo fans, starting seven hours before the venue as to enclose the appearance of fans lined the Secretary of the matrix were often directed.
Jang is currently gaining popularity in Japan, the drama, 'You're Beautiful' surokgok 'Promise U' appeared, singing Let's stand up from the fans cheered in unison. In the meantime, as an actor Jang pilmogeurapi also to organize the overwhelming crowd in various stages and performances, activities and actors in Korea, Jang - Jang themes such as human and warm, friendly talk with regards to his whereabouts have gajyeotgi time.
In addition, direct planning of the festival, Hanyang University, alma mater, the 'Lounge H' DJing performances of the power pool and a flag-performance enthusiast, bringing to more than 3,000 spectators had put a coupon to drive.
Currently starring in particular the fans' Mary 'oebakjung' story comes out concerning each responded with applause and cheers, said expectations for the new works at the rear entrance.
PATTY same two hours two minutes after the concert for the fans also do not leave your seat in the audience appeared on stage with a surprise encore performances Jang slightest slip in a moment of major accidents as fans flocked to meet the situation, but never beat me giddy, and the obvious pro Download to cope perfectly without thinking first tour of Japan ended the concert.
And Jang "encore become dizzingly short time you can think back to that was a dangerous moment. Born without major incident as a great relief to be finished in one piece I think. In fact so many people looking for us to love even while being dazed and is always grateful. The national tour of Japan in the last Asian tour to show you when you look much better in South Korea for a total mobilization of the staff is more abundant than moving along any further, he could be looking forward to performing. Wellington's better performances from the rest of the tour will try to assist, "he said.
Jang local officials of the Japan Tour "tickets are sold out early and throw while nearly 10 times the original price for scalped tickets to the rampant chaos and algi also claiming a desktop, than you can imagine the popularity of the site is in the Suk. The Fukuoka concert fans for the rest of the tour due to the interest and expectations of the state too early to peak, "he said.
Meanwhile, a big welcome from fans in Fukuoka, Japan, the first step to a successful national tour after returning to my dineun Jang 'Mary' oebakjung 'shooting is expected to return, following 21 days of 2010 JANG KEUN SUK JAPAN TOUR Hokkaido second stage for will be heading to.
Actor Jang performances with this drama in the middle of shooting in Japan, local fans were flocking to experience thrilling moments.
15 days Jang agency side, "Jang Fukuoka, Japan on 12 sseonpeulreyiseuholeseo encore performance when you've opened a big fan of tying the result was almost an accident," he said.
Currently KBS 2TV drama 'Mary' oebakjung 'Jang appeared in the drama being shot during a departure for Japan was 11 days. Jang held in Fukuoka on the 12th to tour the plane all night after shooting himself in the plane would actually.
Fukuoka Airport, according to the agency to see Jang became fans because of phosphorylation.
Jang from the show 'You're Beautiful' OST surokgok 'Promise U' was introduced and various songs, 'Mary' oebakjung 'tell a story and bought the cheers of local fans. But two hours after the concert encore performances opened a big accident occurred when the fan was almost driven.
Jang agency "through the encore when you think again even become dizzingly short dangerous was the moment. A big accident born without one piece is the end I said I think. In fact, so many people find us love for the while being dazed sometimes, and always grateful, but "he said.
Jang 'Mary' oebakjung 'during the following 21 days of filming for the show will leave Hokkaido.
-- google translation
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