November 29, 2008



上世紀八十年代初,英國有線電視台 Granada Television 製作了一齣十一集的電視劇《故園風雨後》(Brideshead Revisited),改編英國小說家 Evelyn Waugh 於四十年代所寫的同名小說。四十年代的小說,八十年代的電視劇,再過了差不多三十年後的電影版,當中的故事情節,至今依然充滿「現代」的味道,一點都不落伍。

Evelyn Waugh 在《故園風雨後》中以當時英國天主教貴族的沒落借題發揮,加上戰後人心惶惶,時勢的改變,意味著貴族這個特權階層的光輝時代即將終結,平民階層慢慢有潛越上位取代或晉身貴族的地位之勢。這部小說跨越了上世紀二十至四十年代,其中有不少情節都投射了作者自己的個人經歷。


於英國牛津大學唸書的 Evelyn Waugh,在學期間也經常與同儕友好喝至酩酊大醉,又喜歡與不同院校的同學交朋友,他的同窗好友包括小說家Graham Greene、Anthony Powell及詩人John Betjeman。Evelyn Waugh 曾坦白承認,自己在那段期間,至少有過一位同性的戀人。Evelyn Waugh 讀大學的日子,正值英國文學的鼎盛時期,當時不少年輕人都投身文字創作,成為作家,他的好友John Betjeman 的《New Bats in the Old Belfries》也是創作於那個年代。

而 Evelyn Waugh 寫於一九四四年的《故園風雨後》,於聯軍登陸諾曼第之時出版,旋即大受歡迎,由於其時社會風氣保守,書中大膽的情節引來議論紛紛。《時代雜誌》曾封它為其中一本「史上百大小說」。《故園風雨後》是 Evelyn Waugh 十三部作品中最著名的一部,被視為二十世紀的經典文學作品之一。



二十世紀八十年代的電視版中,由謝洛美艾朗斯(Jeremy Irons)飾演查爾斯,這是令他聲名大噪的一齣電視劇集,之後他便踏足電影圈,開展了光輝的演藝生涯。

《故園風雨後》的電影版找來了馬修古迪(Matthew Goode)飾演查爾斯,他熱情、輕佻和神秘的氣質,深深吸引了幾位主創人員並一致屬意選擇了他。原本由安東尼安祖斯(Anthony Andrews)飾演的施巴斯安,則換上了賓韋沙(Ben Whishaw)。原來監製對他在《香水》(Perfume)裡的演出印象非常深刻,相信他有能力去拿捏施巴斯安這個帶有女性化個性但不是女人型的角色。

而女主角茱莉亞,則由戴安娜奎爾克(Diana Quick)變成今天的希莉艾維(Hayley Atwell),其優雅的外形帶點酷,內心也靈動又敏感,被監製評為是「少見的完美女性」。


電影版由《傲慢與偏見》(Pride & Prejudice)電視版的安祖戴維斯(Andrew Davies)及電影《最後的蘇格蘭王》(The Last King of Scotland)的謝洛美卜克(Jeremy Brock)出任編劇。他們兩人的共識是,縱使故事寫於上世紀四十年代,但至今依然充滿現代感,唯一的改動,就是加強茱莉亞與查爾斯的關係,讓兩男與一男一女的兩段愛情關係重疊,令到激情的火花,和具毀滅性的破壞力可以更強。


實力派男星河政佑近年成為各大電影節常客,在本月二十七日舉行的第九屆大韓民國電影大獎頒獎禮上,他更成為最上鏡電影男星,而主演《紅蘿蔔小姐》的孔孝珍則獲最上鏡電影女星。至於最上鏡電視演員,則由姜浩東奪得,「Epik High」、張允貞及「Wonder Girls」則獲最上鏡歌手獎。

沈銀河隱退後首接採訪:我只是普通媽媽 (2008.11.28 10:50)





沈銀河於 1993年作為MBC電視台第22期公開錄用演員進入演藝界後,在MBC迷你系列劇《最後的勝負》中成功塑造了劇中人物“達瑟兒”,一躍進入明星行列。此後通過MBC驚涑劇《M》、電影《美術館旁的動物園》、《8月照相館》和SBS電視劇《青春的陷阱》等成為韓國頂級女演員。


《他們的世界》收視低迷編劇深感內疚 專訪電視劇《他們的世界》編劇盧熙京



著名電視劇編劇盧熙京/ 照片=朝鮮日報記者 李俊憲攝影





















“作為編劇,我感到很滿意。如果宋慧喬演得太輕車熟路,也許會讓人彆扭。我像宋慧喬這麼大,也就是26歲時,也是一點也不穩定。單位(出版社)一家一家地換,不是被解雇就是公司倒閉。與青澀不懂事的我相比,宋慧喬太像成熟的大人了。也許正是因為如此,即使她有失誤,我也注意不到。這種演員10年後會更加出色、更加輝煌,這種想法使我想更好地培養他們。 ”


來源=體育朝鮮 (2008.11.28 15:03)





November 28, 2008









November 25, 2008

韓票房綜述:同性情色話題吃香 《美人圖》蟬聯 2008年11月24日17:17

  雖然金融危機導致經濟一片不景氣,但18禁的《美人圖》票房卻絲毫未受影響,本周繼續蟬聯冠軍寶座。韓國另一部本土片《西洋古董洋果子店》本周走勢繼續拉高,終於擠掉了《007:大破量子危機》晉身亞軍。 查看上周榜單

  韓國電影周末票房十大排行榜 (2008年11月21日--2008年11月23日)

  名次 片名 上映日期 觀眾佔有率

  1 《美人圖》 2008年11月13日 30.4%

  2 《西洋古董洋果子店》 2008年11月13日 16%

  3 《007:大破量子危機》 2008年11月05日 15.3%

  4 《暴盲浩劫》 2008年11月20日 14.7%

  5 《獵魔俠》(《馬克思·佩恩》)2008年11月20日 7.9%

  6 《保持通話》 2008年11月20日 5%

  7 《妻子結婚了》 2008年10月23日 3.3%

  8 《銀行劫案》 2008年10月30日 1.5%

  9 《帶我去月球》 2008年10月30日 1.2%

  10 《生人勿進》 2008年11月13日 1%












  在11月27即將上映的新片中,組合Super Junior(聽歌)成員強仁頂替崔始源參演的《純情漫畫》姐弟戀情節引人矚目,兩位主演劉智太和李妍熙在片中也扮演了一對忘年戀人。在《卑劣的街頭》中有著不俗表現的秦久新片《超感覺情侶》,以及另一部影片《我的朋友,他的妻子》也將同日上映。欹星/文


《美人圖》奪冠 2008年11月25日 中國電影網






























劇集於今年夏天播放時,平均收視率有百分之十五點九,成為該季最高收視的劇集,首集更有高達百分之二十一點二的收視,創下同時段劇集的最高收視紀錄;與此同時,樂隊「Mr. Children」為劇集唱的主題曲《花火》單曲,亦有五十六萬張的驕人銷量。特別版中,山下、新垣、戶田惠梨香、淺利陽介與比嘉愛未等五名主要角色會再次聚首,今次在鐵路上發生脫軌意外而反轉,多名乘客死傷,直升機急救隊奉召到場,展開急救行動。監製增本淳稱特別版的主題為「離別」,藉此表達出人與人之間的連繫。



November 23, 2008

Ju Ji Hoon, " 'Palace' Everything has changed since" [interview]

Actor Ju Ji Hoon (26), the movie, 'Western antique antique yanggwajajeom' report as an expression had a successful screen. Drama 'Palace,' 'the devil' is acting his way through the mureuikeo 'antique' was naturally beomuryeo.

Top model was not going out there right now-hoon, the drama 'Palace' took the danbake tube. Hoon is not " 'Palace' and it is good and everything has changed 180 degrees" and "Everything's changing, even then was hard to breathe. I do not know why I live by myself but everything had changed. So many things had other, "he said.

"Iljeokeuro has personally done a lot of things" and "a lot of problems in the process, it was not, I'm faced with this situation, why and what it's based on what they say and what my criteria, such as why you want to teuleojineun was concerned. Received a lot of stress will be the state of mind was hard. Now I feel like I have anger and hurt somebody, "he said.

In addition, " 'the devil' at the time it was the choice, 'What is akin to what seonyigo' I was worried that moment. So 'the devil' after all the smoke was attracted to the duality of human beings and then, if sex was part of the work. I'm like this, and I will show you, everything I've heard that it was real. I think at the end of the 'antique' Eddie is a character of hope, "he said.

Current girlfriend is not a role model for a question-hoon said. "I love because I do not think everything will be forgiven" and "Love is the responsibility of thinking. I think if you want to receive love is to give them love. I'm going to make love with it what I want batgiman is not the part you want, "he told. "We love you a little longer to meet a relative said," and "meet 3,4 years. Compared to many of our friends of my age is a long love. We have a problem with my girlfriend and I felt a lot more aware, "he said.

"The important thing when you romance to their primary purpose is what is desired is to remember" and "hard to cook because if I would've opened up to their table, you do not eat, enjoy it, he will be upset. And then I thought, well, sort of, get back to the original purpose of my opponent I need to eat a good one for relative charyeoju hoped it was not the purpose. So if you have a friend that you do not like it, you will not likely be upset. It's to their first ever jikyeoga mind is important, "he said. sonyongho reporters

November 21, 2008

20081120 Red carpet - clip

clip 1

clip 2 (no sound)

2008-11-20 青龍獎影帝影后


最佳影片 《我人生中最輝煌的瞬間》
最佳導演 金知雲 《三個家伙》
最佳男演員 金允錫 《追擊者》
最佳女演員 孫藝珍 《妻子的婚事》
最佳男配角 朴熙順 《七日》
最佳女配角 金智英 《我人生中最輝煌的瞬間》
最佳新人男演員 蘇志燮、姜志煥 《電影就是電影》
最佳新人女演員 韓藝瑟 《八面玲瓏的申小姐》
最佳新人導演 李京美 《胡蘿卜小姐》
最佳劇本 李京美 《胡蘿卜小姐》
最佳攝影 李模蓋 《三個家伙》
最佳配樂 方俊熙 《搖滾七十年》
最佳美術 趙華成 《三個家伙》
最佳技術 in site visual 《摩登公子》
最佳照明 姜大熙 《摩登公子》
最佳短片 崔正烈 《嘮叨》
最佳人氣男演員 薛景求、鄭宇成
最佳人氣女演員 金荷娜、孫藝珍
青龍獎名譽人氣明星獎 崔真實
最佳銀幕情侶 孫藝珍、金柱赫 《妻子的婚事》
最高票房 《三個家伙》



November 20, 2008

2008-11-20 青龍獎唱歌 Cheek to Cheek

Ju Ji Hoon, Blue Dragon Film Awards song surprise the public good "cheek to cheek"

Actors jujihun the 29th Blue Dragon Film Awards ceremony and put in the singing.

The men and women with professional dancer-hoon, not the 29th Blue Dragon Film Awards ceremony Part 2 has to stop. (Cheek to Cheek) Deungjanghae first male and female professional dancers' chiktuchik '(Cheek to Cheek) sing like to see the musical had a brilliant debut.

The back of the stage, the existing model, like Hun not a surprise appearance in a gray suit and wearing a brown beret wearing a colorful muffler has a great fashion sense ppomnaemyeo. (Cheek to Cheek). Of a woman holding hands hun not a dancer, and dancers appeared fit nicely with your mouth 'chiktuchik' (Cheek to Cheek) called.

I'll take off my hat-hoon, the last being on stage, his head was gently sukyimyeo.

2008-11-20 青龍獎 red carpet


▲電視劇《他們的世界》中的玄彬。他表示:“因為長得不是很帥,可以飾演各種角色。走上街頭很多人也認不出我。”朝鮮日報記者 李泰卿攝影










死亡預告 生命的最後一天





間瀨元朗創作的《死亡預告》05年起於漫畫周刊Young Sunday連載,單行本已經出到第5卷,累積銷量突破200萬本。搬上大銀幕後感動更多觀眾,他們紛紛在網上留言,盛讚該片發人深省。《死亡預告》講述國家為使罪案率降低,並提高人民崇尚生命價值的意識,立下「國家繁榮維持法」,每1000人中便有1人在小時候被注入膠囊,中選者長大後,政府會委任特派員送上「逝紙」,通知當事人只剩下人生最後的24小時。









【明報專訊】《死亡預告》氣氛恐怖又賺人熱淚,扮演死神特派員的松田翔太應記一功。松田翔太來自演藝世家,父親松田優作和兄長松田龍平都是著名演員。雖有《情約今生》畢彼特(Brad Pitt)及《甜言蜜雨》金城武這些珠玉「死神」在前,但這名曾在《花樣男子》飾演西門的年輕演員,卻憑演技搭夠,勝在夠Cool反而突顯驚慄感。他扮演的死神特派員不能操控生殺大權,只許冷眼旁觀作客觀分析。

故事大綱 文章日期:2008年11月20日




  韓國擅長的情色片本周又立功了!古裝韓片《美人圖》力挫邦德登上了周冠軍,本片目前累計已經吸引了近60萬的好奇觀眾。《007:大破量子危機》全球票房持續大熱,在韓國票房榜稱雄榜首僅一周就被拉下馬退居亞軍,實在令人出乎意料。與《美人圖》同於11月13日正式上映的另一部韓片《西洋古董洋果子店》也表現不俗,憑借與《美人圖》一樣強烈的邊緣性引來的關注度,在本周也拿到了第三的成績。 查看上周榜單 

  韓國電影周末票房十大排行榜 (2008年11月14日--2008年11月16日) 

  名次   片名         上映日期           觀眾佔有率 

  1 《美人圖》         2008年11月13日        32.5%

  2 《007:大破量子危機》    2008年11月05日        26%  

  3 《西洋古董洋果子店》    2008年11月13日        22.2%   

  4 《妻子結婚了》       2008年10月23日        5.7%

  5 《銀行劫案》        2008年10月30日        3.6%

  6 《鷹眼》          2008年10月09日        2.1%

  7 《帶我去月球》       2008年10月30日        1.5%

  8 《生人勿進》        2008年09月04日        1.3%

  9 《媽媽米婭》        2008年11月13日        1.2%   

  10 《酒質受損》        2008年11月13日        0.9%  












November 18, 2008

韓國票房:《美人圖》力撼“007”奪票房冠軍 10:42:50來源:QQ






  未來一周電影預售的走勢來看, 《美人圖》人氣持續上升






具有代表性的一幕是本月15日Bigbang成員T.O.P和李孝利在“2008 Mnet-KM音硌`”上上演了驚豔一吻。當天的接吻場面可謂是韓國歌壇鮮有的“驚人表演”,足足吸引了大眾的眼球。況且接吻的主角是目前人氣極高的T.O.P和李孝利,這讓人們對“驚豔一吻”更加關注了。之後,網路上出現了爆炸性反響。通常此類事件會被視為小插曲,但此事在三天後的今天仍未降溫。

這種現象始於經濟不景氣降臨的去年秋天。李孝利憑藉性感形象成功複出後,Brown Eyed Girls、孫淡妃等紛紛打出性感大旗,聚集了人氣。身材健美的Rain也在電視節目中半遮半掩地展示了性感,他在Mnet-KM音樂節上更是豪放地暴露了整個上身。





50 million through 'antique', 'Romance of Their Own' mood when you reproduce?

film 'Western antique yanggwajajeom antique' (the antique), 500,000 audience, the film could bring in the first week in the country.

The opening score for the last 13 days, and the country mobilized 160,000 people to cruise Release Date Back to the film started a 'antique' for two days last weekend, the audience will come to about 260,000, and landed a reliable box-office, the country has an aggregate of 500,000 people.

'Antique', according to the official propaganda in this country in 2004 could bring in the audience was 2,400,000, Kang star of the movie 'Romance of Their Own' will be dredged up.

In fact, 'antique' held during the week of the main actors of the stage to say like a concert so there was a lot of female fan, the stage and a crowd of sonyeopaen progress impossible until the situation was stretched apart.

The films to the screen to a cell phone and the cell, such as elasticity jjikgeona screaming 'wolf temptation' was released in theaters, and it is too deului is similar.

'Antique' release of 1 to 11 months a year due to a lack of a dagger in the best theaters casting a big impression on hwajejak 'beauty and' foreign currency and the blockbuster 'The quantum of 007 solreoseu' situation and considering the intense competition Such a pretty incredible record. The first week of release mobilized 700,000 (charge current, Eve audience, including 100,000 people) that 'the temptation of the wolves' of the holiday season, up to 1 years and holy water was released in July due to the contrast made the official said.

The 'antique' rating on the portal site with a variety of grades of gaebonghan gyeongjaengjak Hop over the average 8.5 or more so to maintain the good word of mouth on both men and women in the audience said.

The same title of the best-selling Japanese comic book as the original 'antique' the Ju Ji Hoon, gimjaeuk, yuahin, choejiho 4 harmonious performance of the new actors, and recreating the original comic book complete due diligence mingyudong pyeongdan and from the audience with his delicate yeonchulryeok Are popular.

Munyongseong reporters

film 'antique' Ju Ji Hoon, the wound healing message of growth

The nyusiseu "to society, for the first time since I see a lot of homosexuals for disapproval of homosexuality because I do not."

Actor Ju Ji Hoon of the 'gay' to be generous. And a variety of homosexuality as a fashion model jeophaetgo, was absorbed like a sponge. Watching them on lesbianism, "Oh, you are not" accepted singihaeha said. This could be a variety of love in the world that realized sooner.

Movie 'Antique - Western antique yanggwajajeom' decision to star in and did not care about homosexual. Rather, "homosexuality was largely invisible. The wound, healing, growth, a lot of snow in the message went on, "he emphasizes. Naturally, something that homosexuality can find more accepted after he said.

The existence of homosexuality was not shocked when the witness. "I always wondered there was no jeophaebon talking about it. That's what is, I heard the explanation, same-sex kkirido've got to love ... "realized. It was his age 20-21 years old.

'Some of the fashion model is gay,' the proposition is accepted as the truth. If you have all the luxury of the trans-it is likely he was queer prejudice is open. 'Personal luxury' of the first to receive new, the reason why fashion models are often suspicious geyiran.

The forbidden world of gay fashion model, and the average person with sumgineun kkokkkok It is true that the other side. But not the Hoon hokyeo '= a gay fashion model' is a notion that has confirmed breathe again. "Ejects sensitivity of the person that they were doing. It's geureodabo said, "and" can be (数) was giboda than the others, because the visit "is.

The movie will be smoke-hoon, a fashion model and actor. People who average to Kidney rongdari more than than the top of the 180 ㎝ are. Hoon, a normal man to give hwonchilhan smoke was equipped with perfect conditions.

But not the Hoon both eyes of a woman seen famine and really realized the importance of the actress. The actress to light, flowers, was brilliant as the tteobatdeulge. "Actress of the moment might come in different color. There deulyiguna brilliant actress. You're ... I felt light. " Yungeunyoung reporters

※ This article magazine nyusiseu nyusiseu Eyes my publication No. 108 (Nov. 24 issue) will be in the running.









Ju Ji Hoon "numerous audition was great mitgeoreum"

Ju Ji Hoon came to the tube all of a sudden one day.

Drama 'Palace' cynical in the Prince of Wales said the give-hoon seutadeom the decision. The drama 'Devil' and the movie 'Western antique yanggwajajeom: Antique, the show itself, he said slowly.

One day, the image of a star that came to us with all of a sudden, but not the Hoon says it is not true. Not one moment, a little bit I've been ready for a steady performance.

"I want to become actors in the model and seen a lot of the audition. Unknown, but frustrated a lot of the time."

Hoon's not the time now is aspiring actors, we all know the advantages and disadvantages to be masyeotdago We will be very high speed. Big kimyeo, personality and actor, the mask is inappropriate at this time to write all I thought I heard the sound again.

"You can not so the cursor keys, too kkamae skin, eyes too small, too dry, get out and so did happen a lot. Ahpatjiman then, it's an dokhage chuseureuneun me."

The age is not yet good enough Hoon cheoleopeodo be a very grown-up. A lot of thought, so to express their thoughts yuryeo maldeuldo said.

"I do a lot. I need you (laughs). I Do not as well. Pyeongso, just thinking about this and that and send it."

Unlike its image as a fashion model, not a live-hoon, the suit is the very simplicity. If you eat a meal, I'd rather drink the money to buy clothes does not. Nevertheless, a modifier and a natural star ottaeneun paesyeoni has given him.

"Model as a more delicate, and also want to express deep thoughts and feelings, so thank you to smoke. Actors need to experience all that. Select all the work, even if drinking a glass of juice, and the results of that choice If you do not have to feel it's not. Now I would like to experience everything. "

"I do not want you to know in the world. Representation, and if you think you want to show it with smoke. Hadabomyeon act to express the desire to be a part of the pool's. I want to show the true go into the deep. Oh, my God, my representation of the performance is right. "

Deep in his own hidden feelings calm and drag it to the underlying performance. That ought to get out of a good actor in the not-hoon said in the future.

"This year, it will not re-naldeulyieoteoyo. Half of 'Eddie' ( 'antique') lived in, half-a-half 'draw' ( 'Kitchen') to the land, not the rest lived with Hoon. Smoke, and Ileobeorigin one of the heart, but not for hours, most of them again. "

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(Copyright ⓒ yet 24. AFP)

November 14, 2008

Ju Ji Hoon "My strengths as an actor? Looks hard not to live" (an interview )

▲ Ju Ji Hoon (photo = handaeuk News)
[ SPN lodge a reporter] "Eddie's heart in my heart"

I'll learn Hoon movie yanggwajajeom Western antique antique '(the' antique '), through the sweet, colorful on the screen keyikeusyop station owner Eddie naedinneunda the first step.

Keyikeusyop the family and guests will arrive in charge for Eddie and thoughtful person, but it was sweetness and light is beyond words, the memory is clear the hungry man with a dark past.

Hoon will in a recent interview, "read the scenario was similar at the time and my mind is Eddie. Eddie's mind to understand her decision because it was "the 'antique' She has to decide.

Anyone who live with the pain that one 'antique' hun not heard in the heart of the "Artists have no choice because it is acting without any assessment for the human race, while other countries, unlike the others I think that I look to bichwoji In the end, the idea had originated with me "and" naturally interested people have multiple aspects, but that was always smiling brightly in so much pain and with the character of Eddie datatda, "he told.

Feelings between the characters in a play geukgwa not to show focused on the sound-hoon said. "We need to look bright Eddie knows when I have the feeling was time to crash. When I asked Audio Coach. Ambassador to rule out action in minutes listening to the sound and the feeling of well muteona picks because of the time, "he said.

Put him in an instant, the seutadeom the MBC drama 'Palace', and the movie 'antique' and the girl is a taste Cartoonist of the original. He was the hero of this work because it looks like you're not the type of scion gatnyago hun not asked the "looks like it's not" the "Palace, which will, when the cast does not know anything (to the original cartoon) was I'm looking for someone who is that, "he said.

Let the Hun "was a good-looking people take it as it does not suit that looks to be slowing" and "That's why all the important actors," he said woomun get to hyeondapeuro.

If so, his appearance, in addition to the advantages of not arrive as an actor does that. "It will be hard living. If you can not always feel bad in your life is going to feel all that faithfully "and" I think experience will be reflected in their performance, and it will be one day, I think the weapon and a shield, "he said.

When asked what happened the first time Hun younghwapan not "worth of filming and, as the tight schedule and really do drama was hard. I do not know where they're sick and the staff did mutdeora power. To stand in front of the camera shot, I get sick I can rest. When I was a child injured in the leg Stamina tteoleojini joint disease that I have said in a cast, but "oero godwaetdeon film experiences, can you hear me and was expected.

Story of four men who work in the antique keyikeusyop, Ju Ji Hoon, gimjaeuk, yuahin, choeji a bid to show 'antique' was released on the 13th.


Ju Ji Hoon "does not change the dream, to have a happy family" (interview ②)

[ SPN lodge a reporter] "Come on, and smoke could be found."

3-hoon as a model not reonweyireul nubideon popular cartoon years ago, the show aired before the topic was moved to MBC 'Palace' was in the cast. In a strange face in the fashion world, famous for cathode ray tube, but in January the following year yieotgie time, I'll start the show to be aired in the hun did not receive the trust of viewers. But the show was broadcast in about 3 months, not a star-hoon said in the tube.

Hoon, a TV star was not at the time, for the moment, "I did not feel even that is befog. The last 2 years and a half, now I know I was feeling was eoltteoltteolhan, "he said.

Let the Hun "around the air flowing around me has changed. 'Oh, that's what you do here, though,' and realize that this was the last until now, I feel that again and changed the air for granted, "he said.

"Finger in the first half yeoyurowojin is enough to say" the not-hoon, the "I'll see that much change has been shot in the woods one day," he prove that I was relaxed.

Now is not the model was not proportionate to Hoon actor of the modifier "good a job as an actor. Looking for smoke, feel the self "and" Let's not sleep for a few months after the shooting, but were living in months, I, too, can be relaxing, "he was satisfied.

He's 20, 30 years after the appearance, but I promise you that I'll learn about the dream of Hoon and Hoon was not human. "I will have the same dream of a happy family. Families should be together with a happy smile to her old life, relaxing ttuimyeo might be able to enjoy, "said Hoon is not" as a movie actor in it with the means and the reason for the presence of my role of full-screen pass out of hope "and" Very It is just happens. I mean, you know what's the dream, "says smiled lightly.

Hun not the last, "I live every moment, I feel the best that can be wajwoteumyeon character. Until now, good luck, good luck that sense, it was a great idea, "he said.

(Photo: uk a reporter)

Ju Ji Hoon parade .. remarks "were captivated complex"

A romance comic books and learn from the pop-Ju Ji Hoon (26). He drama 'Palace' in the original manhwain The film yanggwajajeom Western antique antique '(or less, Antique), the man said. He's the mystique and romance like a cartoon character in the go-go that's dodohal is likely to hold the next to a misunderstanding. But normal life away from the image of the mystery is the primary doctor or the Prince of Wales. Even though he is a little different hairstyle or fashion line jujihunin no one recognized the man when he is not going down without wearing a leisure is training. If you do not work, and one week at home dalyigo 'Bangkok' will.

Down from the body and ohttokhan kotnal-winning fashion model, such as a piece of teokseon the same as a cartoon brought to reality I'll have a look-hoon, but he is complex. Hoon of the complex picture that does not like. 4 kinds of complex nuneman see him.

# Complex 1. Jjakjjakyi Our eyes are always swollen nundudeongyi
He's charming, but both have big eyes swollen eyes that first nundudeongyi jjakjjak as a sport as complex. In fact, small eyes that makes him a high hand as the Prince of Wales is an element. Shows directly to plastic surgery in the eyelids and can you hear the story was obvious.

"I'm good in the eyes of the swelling. Johnny, I can not sleep for a few days, taking butgeteoyo how many times. The size of both eyes is different. Only one eye eyelids cause pour much of the time when I seriously gominhan've had plastic surgery. 'Devil', because when the snow jjakjjak casting director did me did. Sininsijeolen 'You can not do an actor's eyes jjakjjak' by the end of the've seen them. "

# Complex 2. An actor's age, than the acting and lack of body
Ju Ji Hoon, the 'handsome' 'bad guy' is associated with the word. Drama 'Palace,' 'the devil', 'antique' because of the impact. Carrick has only care kkachilhan sharp and sensitive and Ju Ji Hoon. In fact, I wonder also asked all season "has been listed only as the Similar. Are the lack of acting my age than the reality and learn to save me the most was a lot of character, "he said.

" 'Palace' to my only day he was standing like a drill to be dunggeuldunggeul feel more and more. Every time a high-strung and often choose to work and then from julyeotjyo weight. If you look yeminhae're gonna lose some weight. After the end of French-year-old girl shot back to me. Every time I see the look in the mirror these days, this brings out a sigh. I'm shooting and then gain weight. When the model of the magazine here this woman janimdeul a man with a little less muscle and more than a lot of guys like that and I had to exercise less. "

# Complex 3. I felt a sense of isolation sensibilities 부족해
Japdeon 2002, he was the model as a model between the folds in the fashion world, and has felt a sense of isolation. It was in school, the family allowance in the 1000 wonbake a day was not so bad. It was raining the bus was 500 won. In a round-trip transportation allowance to use all the money in his pocket, did not spare the time, the film is, of course, had the money to buy books and music.

"It's a job that requires sensitivity model. They model the rest of the crew when the act was emotional. Music by the way, did not understand them to talk to each other. That's when I felt a sense of isolation. I do not have a TV at home, a photo op to read the book. Sensitivity training can be. "

# Complex 4. Pelvis big skin kkamujapjaphaeyo
Not a big disadvantage because of a hip hip waist of 32 inches, he wears the pants. I always try to have to purchase clothes. Internet shopping and can not nuneu ipeobol Dongdaemun shopping, not only to live. In addition, the skin was also cited as kkamujapjaphan complex is another complex, but did not say any more.

"If your skin tone with a kkamujapjaphaeseo actress was 1,000,000,000,000 people can not fit your coach, they say. They suffered so many I do matchusi the pibuton. Does not look black, right? Thanks to makeup, it's the right thing. "

Hongjeongwon / hwangjinhwan
News Report and press release