February 27, 2009


中央社 / 2009/02/26

(中央社記者楊明珠東京26日專電)日本「富士電視台」慶祝開台50週年日劇「黑部的太陽」昨天殺青。這部戲耗資新台幣 3.6億元,主演的香取慎吾信心滿滿地說:「真的是超級大戲喔!」日本偶像團體「SMAP」成員之一的香取慎吾,昨天在東京台場「富士電視台」出席他所主演的開台50週年慶大戲「黑部的太陽」殺青記者會。

這齣戲預定於下個月21、22日晚間9時(台灣時間8時)播出。去年 10月開拍,今年1月底完成拍攝,耗資10億日圓。



February 24, 2009






去年春天五人組合「嵐」為TBS主持節目《秘密的嵐》,也經常只得個位數字的收視率;即使是國民級的「SMAP」為富士主持的《SMAP X SMAP》,近期收視率也跌至百分之十五之下。還有「Tokio」成員國分太一主持的《解體新Show》亦宣布完結,他主持的另一個節目《Aura之泉》亦減至一個月播一集,意味著綜合節目方面亦開始失守。





February 22, 2009





《派遣女王》續集 不景氣喊停




玉木宏 叫上戶彩 仲間吃癟 奪廣告搶鏡王


日本收視率調查機構「video research」公布2008年電視廣告曝光率排行榜,偶像帥哥玉木宏從前年的第4名急升,榮登去年廣告曝光王;好感度調查總是名列前茅的仲間由紀惠下滑1名,屈居老二。上戶彩主演日劇吸睛力欠佳,廣告邀約卻是有增無減,去年的電視廣告曝光率高居第3名。




1. 玉木宏

2. 仲間由紀惠

玄彬甩收視敗績 貼尹恩惠賣衫

【莊玟敔、陳穎╱綜合報導】玄彬在韓劇《他們的世界》和「喬妹」宋慧喬你儂我儂,戲外則搭上尹恩惠一起「賣身」,穿上韓國「Basic House」服飾拍廣告。他還學喬妹「賣面子」,為喬妹代言的「蘭芝」保養品推銷男性保養品,兩人將聯袂出巡,到亞洲各地為該品牌造勢。



February 21, 2009


2009.02.21 08:39



在男人們想變“苗條”的各種原因中,市場上日漸變小的衣服有著不可推卸的責任。國外名牌迪奧·桀傲(Dior Homme)在2004年首次推出了小到女性也能穿的男裝,這之後韓國國內品牌也紛紛效仿,把衣服尺碼越做越小。從休閑服到經典的西裝,凸顯身體輪廓的設計大舉登陸。




Rain 身高184公分,體重74公斤。他在去年的回歸秀上展示了與出道時發達的肌肉截然不同的形象。乍一看似乎有點瘦,但脫掉衣服之後依然有著明顯的完美腹部曲線。

張根錫 身高182公分,體重66公斤。身材修長,被稱為穿什麽都好看的“最完美體型”。肩膀寬,有著28英寸的細腰是他的特點。

金賢重 身高180公分,體重68公斤。雖然具有花樣美男典型的清秀面孔,身材卻非常男性化。穿著無袖或短褲時只要稍一用力就能看到小型肌肉。


1. 小型肌肉的魅力所在

2. 肩膀應該寬一些

3. 臀部、腿部不能太瘦

韓國中央日報中文網 http://cn.joins.com/big5

奧斯卡決戰前夕 凱特溫絲蕾宣布以後不脫了!







貧民力搏班傑明 丹尼鮑伊勝算大





貧民百萬富翁 過關斬將大黑馬



班傑明先盛後衰 為小金人訂製



兩部傳記電影 演員鋒芒勝影片


送行者囊括10獎 大贏家 本木雅弘稱帝 木村多江封后






男配山崎努 笑稱與葬禮有緣



日本奧斯卡 得獎名單



















































February 20, 2009







《聖訴》迸演技火花/ 星子










山口 堤真一演啤酒廣告




February 19, 2009


韓聯社首爾2月18日電 “失去了我人生的指明燈。”














崔智友的所屬公司Olive9的相關人士接受網路媒體Money Today“明星新聞”的採訪時說:“崔智友與李鎮旭確實相戀,但結婚說完全是子虛烏有。”因李鎮旭今年要入伍,崔智也超出婚齡,所以演藝界曾傳言他們要結婚。

李鎮旭的一身邊人士也接受Edaily SPN的採訪時表示,兩個人的感情很好,但他們的交往是他們個人的事,與旁人無關,很難說他們的關係發展到什麼地步,但確實一直在交往。












2007年拍攝電視劇《Air City》時,分別是主演和新人演員的兩人彼此相識。據傳在此後的兩年裏,兩人一直在交往。



















在李敏鎬、金賢重等F4成員引發“F4症候群”的同時,《花樣男子》也贏得了爆炸式的人氣。但有批評指出,該劇存在將新喀裏多尼亞和澳門等海外拍攝地的宣傳片和原聲帶收錄曲目不加區分地同時播出的問題。17日,這部電視劇的收視率為31.9%(TNS Media Korea數據),出現了原地踏步。


看了半集看不下去。貼這個是因為他們在樓下拍,我們吃完飯經過見到。金賢重最沒有禮貌,韓粉跟著來澳門,叫他 obba 也不理,之後還怒啤。李敏鎬笑著的行來行去等他的鏡頭,最高很突出。其他兩個瘦瘦小小沒印像。


真 人 版 《 小 雙 俠 》 下 月 開 畫 , 深 田 恭 子 肩 負 重 任 為 電 影 落 力 宣 傳 , 相 反 身 為 女 主 角 的 福 田 沙 紀 卻 備 受 冷 落 , 待 遇 十 分 大 細 超 !

深 田 恭 子 在 《 小 雙 俠 》 中 飾 演 性 感 奸 角 , 其 一 身 SM 造 型 成 為 片 中 的 最 強 賣 點 , 她 不 僅 會 在 本 月 推 出 主 題 寫 真 集 《 KYOKO TOKYO PIN-UP GIRL 》 , 連 日 來 恭 子 更 以 性 感 形 象 登 上 各 類 形 雜 誌 。

昨 日 推 出 的 電 影 刊 物 《 Pict up 》 , 恭 子 就 與 《 小 雙 俠 》 的 男 主 角 櫻 井 翔 擔 任 封 面 人 物 , 而 兩 人 更 在 嵐 的 綜 藝 節 目 上 大 玩 遊 戲 , 可 見 恭 子 的 確 備 受 器 重 。 然 而 該 片 被 視 為 恭 子 的 另 一 個 事 業 高 峰 , 但 近 期 經 常 以 濃 妝 示 人 的 她 卻 被 指 容 貌 稍 變 , 繼 而 惹 來 整 容 疑 雲 。

反 觀 《 小 雙 俠 》 的 女 主 角 福 田 沙 紀 , 自 去 年 擔 正 的 電 影 《 櫻 之 園 》 票 房 仆 直 後 , 片 商 即 對 她 信 心 大 減 , 加 上 福 田 也 被 嫌 棄 欠 缺 人 氣 及 知 名 度 , 造 就 《 小 雙 俠 》 的 宣 傳 重 任 全 落 在 恭 子 身 上 。

福 田 沙 紀 高 校 畢 業
前 日 , 福 田 偕 蓮 佛 美 沙 子 及 Hey ! Say ! JUMP 的 成 員 八 乙 女 光 , 一 同 出 席 堀 越 高 校 的 畢 業 典 禮 , 福 田 坦 言 過 去 三 年 兼 顧 學 業 和 演 藝 事 業 十 分 吃 力 , 如 今 能 順 利 畢 業 使 她 相 當 感 觸 。

文 : 外 娛 組







又拿獎?!Best Picture 沒有心水,又不喜歡 Benjamin,難道真的 Slumdog 會贏........一直都未看,趕快今週內找時間。


【明報專訊】日本電視周刊The Television舉行劇集季選「第59屆日劇奧斯卡獎」,改編自名作家東野圭吾小說的《流星之絆》奪得6個獎項,包括二宮和也榮登最佳男主角,戶田惠梨香獲最佳女配角,還有最佳劇集、最佳導演、最佳編劇;而由組合嵐所唱的Beautiful Days,則贏得主題曲獎。最佳女主角則由人氣古裝劇《篤姬》的宮崎葵大熱勝出。




February 18, 2009














February 17, 2009





崔智友報恩申鉉濬 降格跑龍套





申鉉濬客串小開 畫面只有30秒






February 16, 2009


體育朝鮮 (2009.02.10 15:26)








尹恩惠親手制畫冊 三家日企狂爭發行權

來源=Edaily SPN (2009.02.12 15:28)




尹恩惠主演的《宮》和《咖啡王子一號店》等在包括日本的亞洲地區吸引了無數觀眾,這也奠定了其韓流明星的地位。尹恩惠在拍完2007年8月播完的《咖啡王子一號店》後,現已決定出演電視劇《女人城堡》(Lady Castle),時隔2年多她將再次與觀眾見面。

February 15, 2009


製作/發行:CJ Entertainment(株)





韓片《純情漫畫》票房登頂 SJ強仁號召力強

2008年12月01日08:56 新浪娛樂


  新浪娛樂訊 根據人氣網絡漫畫改編的韓國影片《純情漫畫》,成為了韓國週末票房榜新一任冠軍,該片由SJ成員強仁主演,可見其強大號召力。

  據 韓國電影振興委員會統計數據顯示,從11月27日開始上映的《純情漫畫》截止11月30日為止總計吸引33萬名觀眾,從之前連續兩周蟬聯票房冠軍的《美人圖》手中奪走了票房冠軍。而《美人圖》在上週末創下了30萬觀影數,名列週末票房榜第二位,該片的總觀影數已經超過盈利分界點達到了180萬人,有望在本周內突破200萬觀影大關。



February 14, 2009


來源:JES | 2009.01.15 07:38







February 12, 2009

Ju Ji Hoon 's interest in a musical challenge .. 10 minutes of tickets sold

[Naeungyeong Guest deilrian News]

◇ The Musical 12 days before the first stage, the star Ju Ji Hoon.

Ju Ji Hoon - gangtaeeul - gimdahyeon musical starring the topic of On May 6, opened the door to brilliant start.
The first performance in Japan's extreme seasons and three who built one of the most senior level gangtaeeulyi was the first hot donju hid HEM. 12 days of the first stage will lead Hoon said.

CRT screen and power already in the box-office ticket-hoon gwasihae not seen in the power stage is absolutely flat.

Actually, the last 2 days show me the release schedule of performances by a car-side NDPK and Interpark, the official website of Hun give the fans a great interest in the situation because the site is down for a moment was stretched apart. Tickets booked after only 10 minutes after all the main seats are sold out in the wind and 12 show the difficult state of the seat reservation.

Let Hoon's "donjuang> interested to see the fans as well as across the sea in Japan and South Korea's great about the Open. Released at the same time as the movie and musicals not on the schedule to see Hoon's visit to Korea, the Japanese always have been.

Already Movies not in a hoon has been the topic of the song good. Soft, sweet singing voice and not-hoon of the actors involved in the query, because 'the only love I do not know' about the ohreunaerin. In the song, as well as the musical is scheduled to launch a passionate Flamenco dance skills for the Hun not enough fans are interested dalahohreugo hot.

Not well-star castle 'success guarantee' is not kkwechan tags quickly learn the musical stage Hoon also highly evaluated as a further draw will be raised.

'Kitchen' voluntary salary reduction of production costs, Ju Ji Hoon Shin Min Ah 1200000000 ..

Feb 5 open Shin Min Ah Ju Ji Hoon romance movie 'Kitchen' (Director hongjiyoung production supilreum) ₩ 1,200,000,000 known as a film made in the budget that is eye-catching.

Publisher of the actors and staff, thanks to aggressive efforts to increase cost savings, and cost ₩ 1,200,000,000 to complete the film, said it was 10 days.

Shin Min Ah and not to the lower-hoon gereonti own big cut in cost savings, and want to be a boon for film production investment has before. 650,000,000 last year to 1,500,000 of the cost savings to call the audience 'film movie in sojiseop and gangjihwan chwijida such as the cost invested.

Also share the passion of the staff was great. He planned to shoot 32 hongjiyoung Recurrence took a Politics without errors, thanks to the staff enthusiastically moved to tight budget is said could be used without scantiness.

This disaster seokhan hanokjip singyeongok interior designer, food stylist noyounghui setting of food, fashion and the potter youngsangmi yiheon to elaborate the definition of a beautiful bowl with a 'kitchen' in the film because I bought the expensive misunderstandings will not get me wrong.

Ju Ji Hoon, South Korea actors want to give chocolates on Valentine's Day No. 1

[Sports Korea] Monday, February 9, 2009

(Seoul = Sports Korea) Movie 'kitchen' of the Ju Ji Hoon underway this past Valentine's Day 2-9 in all three surveys, over an over in the corner is the gold dalrimyeo 3.

Hoon give Max movie conducted in the 'chocolate and the most appropriate image of the actor' in the survey 49.7% of its 16.9% majority vote to get close to the 'mission' of bakyongha, getting 11.3%, marinboyi ' of gimgangwoo is the perfect place to win 1.

The chocolate on Valentine's Day will be the most domestic man of learning, such as? '' Want to give chocolates on Valentine's Day to learn Korea 'too big vote in a poll of each car over a gimgangwoo and comfortable place to bakyongha there is.

Hoon, as well as give the 27 ilyeolrineun Article 45 of the whites art to film acting awards ingisang Men's Amateur, and two candidates nominated by the most powerful sonkkophigo is rising.

Movie 'Western antique antique yanggwajajeom' new relationship with a man not on the weather hoon 'Go 70' Jo Seung-woo, movie, movie of the gangjihwan sojiseop and other prominent candidates are nominated and is expected to collect.

At the same time, by a direct vote to select the ingisang cinephiles also rising in the current (February 9 ilgijun) 35.41% of the vote, gaining 34.64 percent in the one place to exchange gangji and has pulled back.

The romantic season of the year in February, with lovers and friends and happy memories are created when a movie starring Ju Ji Hoon 'Kitchen' can be found at the nearest theater.

Uncomfortable movie 'Kitchen (2009) The Naked Kitchen'

Kitchen (2009) The Naked Kitchen
Everyone have to love a sweet devil, sand (Shin Min Ah) love the guy in front of the green dash, draw (Ju Ji Hoon), all women's romance, the merchant (Kim Tae Woo)
Two men and a woman began to share a kitchen! They now enjoy a sweet romance is ssapssareumhan.

Since the first anniversary of the merchant was always there in the sand can not believe his experience will be even.

I met a like fate to draw blind and sand .. Surprisingly, in Korea in the first home meet her again.

Meanwhile, fund managers and marketers to stop a good swinger, I'm raising the chef's dream .. for merchants around the sand because it is always a bright smile.

Shows two men and a woman Secret romance meet.

Director: hongjiyoung Main Cast: Shin Min Ah, Kim Tae Woo, Ju Ji Hoon
cbs news gimyunju

韓票房綜述:《水兵男孩》奪冠 出位演出成賣點

2009-2-10 16:48:40



  韓國電影週末票房十大排行榜 (2009年02月06日--2009年02月08日)

  名次 片名 上映日期 觀眾佔有率

  1 《水兵男孩》 2009年02月05日 24.5%

  2 《赤壁(下)》 2009年01月22日 16.2%

  3 《窩囊聲》 2009年01月15日 10.1%

  4 《過速緋聞》 2008年12月04日 8.5%

  5 《刺殺希特勒》 2009年01月22日 8.2%

  6 《七磅》 2009年02月05日 7.4%

  7 《墨水心》 2009年01月29日 6.3%

  8 《遺憾的都市》 2009年01月22日 5.6%

  9 《廚房》 2009年02月05日 4.8%

  10 《換子疑雲》 2009年01月22日 4.3%






  走勢平穩的《赤壁(下)》目前已經創下了華語片在韓國上映以來的記錄,1月22日上映以來總觀眾已達到了241萬8069人。韓國的一部獨立紀錄片《窩囊聲》(又名《Old Partner》)在前兩周排名僅居第十,但在2月6日-2月8日的週末三天裡上映銀幕由55塊增加到163塊,排名也迅速爬升到第三位,總觀眾目前為26萬4568人。車太賢的《過速緋聞》排名第四,上映進入第十周,仍然力壓第五位的阿湯哥新作《刺殺希特勒》。目前《過速緋聞》累計觀眾人數達到了778萬9711人,《刺殺希特勒》總觀眾也有168萬3453人。









  據報道,5日上映的 《海上男孩》上映第一天的觀影人數達到了7萬多人,在當天的韓國電影票房排行榜上名列第一位。而同一天上映的好萊塢影片《七磅》觀影人數為3.2856萬人,另一部5日上映的影片《廚房》僅吸引了17482名觀眾。




韓國百想人氣獎 女星樸寶英人氣一枝獨秀(圖)





金鷹娛樂訊 隨著第45屆韓國百想藝術大賞開幕日期的臨近,在其官網上的票選更是進入了白熱化狀態。無論是從電視單元來看,還是從電影單元來看,人氣獎的「戰場」都是最為熱鬧的。


型男包攬前三甲 姜志煥朱智勳競爭激烈





花美男當道 金明敏宋承憲難敵F4



文根英允兒李智雅優勢明顯 他人難敵




Ian's birthday in 5 days yicheonhui, Ju Ji Hoon, gimjaeuk, ppaekga, Raikot Bridge Memorial and acquaintances had gathered together.

At 3 pm in a cafe in Gangnam-gu, Seoul Sinsa Ian's book 27, ask the youth of the publishing ceremony and a memorial ceremony was simple.

In this position, including the family of Ian yicheonhui, Ju Ji Hoon, gimjaeuk, Raikot Bridge, ppaekga, jangsuin, Kim Sung Min and twenty three people who worked with the model in place at the time said.

Said Ian's father, "his son buried in his chest," the "difficult economy wajusyeo thank many people," he said personnel.

Yicheonhui that "the language can be considered eonyiui birthday day," he said. Yicheonhui in the "to do activities such as model and the waiting time back to the memory of the game remains on the Stage," he said memories.

MBC 'Coffee Prince 1st Shop' gimjaeuk had appeared together in the "memory of his brother's book and not miss a book you (ever) What do you feel, and what passes for youth, less of what the book is," he said.

Koyote ppaekganeun a member of the group, "said Ian will be participating in the exhibition's final work," but "it did not make friends a lot I wanted to feel a little mano a mano," he said.

About 2 hours and people close to me, Ian, and enjoy pictures and memories of him said.

Ju Ji Hoon "I'm in my dreams, taking the scent of man" (interview)

[World News] Thursday, February 5, 2009

[Sports Donga] Gangnam-gu, Seoul apgujeongdong yehol of January 7.

Movie 'Kitchen' (Director hongjiyoung production supilreum) presentation of the production behind the scenes and learn Ju Ji Hoon was the weep. Around, but he did not notice most of the eyes and wiped the moisture geureonggeureong maethin. Stage the 'kitchen' was the highlight of the video flows.

Hoon give the "glorious," he said. The "brilliant" images in the mind the story in the past rimyeo not ohrot Hoon was submerged into the remaining memory.

"No matter what they did tteoolratgo memories of the brilliant images and the story was looking to the past, my beautiful. I felt happy that a small daily. "

5 days to be released movie 'kitchen' was adopted from Korea, he returned to France dream chef Catherine Kim Tae Woo, all of a sudden it came to teach her to cook and finds himself falling in love.

Kim Tae Woo's wife, Shin Min Ah as he was in love with everything like a sponge sucks man. Close to the eyes of jayubunbangham does not care about.

'Kitchen' not the actual characters in the same hun, seems like. His "20 years seems to me," he say, but still a free 42-minute visit in an accident between an interview on anything naeboyigo desire was to not get involved.

"At home, age, and independence," it's quite a lot of time spent away from your family has been looking for a restaurant to eat let alone the Hun in Seoul, walking the streets walking, without any burden.

If that age is not needed most voyeristic love also. Work together in a delicate emotional experience for the actress hoheuphan to say, but did not lead to love. "I think as the moment to act," said.

"I'm thinking someone like me, you do not like feeling like I was. Of course, the story will be in the works. (Laughter), but at least when it comes to acting, I think. "

- 'Kitchen' in the What do you love.

"The human appetite are among the basic needs. Yokguda happy. Cooking for people who love to create space 'kitchen' and is also a family gathering space. Of reason and the love story movie, but maybe the other, to talk about the wider meaning of love may be. "

- Anyway, I love the drama of three men could be inside the wound.

"I open the drama friend. Mipji is not so pure. Do not have any evil action can be broken because of love. But I would love sangcheoran subjective. Shhh, but the true feelings, perhaps? I have been happy with my love. ” But for now, is not desperate. "

- Now what made you.

"Around people, especially friends are. To the other party does not want to hit me, I also do not force it to a relative. That's a lot of annoyance to a life with friends is not. "

- Gwichaniseuteu 'ingaboda.

"No it would not. Many think it is always a lot of fiction. I remember it every day, that dream will be a quaint kkuneunde. When you connect it becomes a convenience story. If you have not seen in hindsight angles what movie can be. "(Laughs)

- I remember a dream you feel full.

"Smell you taking?! It's the same smell in the air mixed with water. I remember reading a different scent every day since. "

Young-hoon who give it looked like a dark sensibility.

Want to learn painting and music, so I get from him would be another way to believe the man is represented. What's not to say clearly to express yourself and a desire to learn reveal. Not as a natural desire to learn Hoon did not hide.

tadada@donga.com News yunyeosu tadada@donga.com

Ju Ji Hoon been riding in the screen

[Metro] Wednesday, February 4, 2009 9:00 a.m.

Attention to the unique romance movie 'kitchen' in the Ju Ji Hoon adopted from a French chef to draw-up visit, flush free. France opened the next day, six days to stop posting the license Musical 'Don Juan' Don Juan in the turn of the century will ommeu patal. Screen and stage to challenge and offers 28 'kkotnam' with the Q & A.

Q 'Western yanggwajajeom antique antique' and 'kitchen' is opening on September 5, Berlin Film Festival, was invited to.
A delighted. If the World Film Festival red carpet TROD actors and do not forget the dream. I, too, I can not attend because of the poorer performances.

Q draw you the best merchant (Kim Tae Woo), the wife of the sand (Shin Min Ah) and to express love without hesitation, share an affair. Draw a common denominator, and juggling.
A similar sensitivity. So I was dragged a lot of reporting scenarios. But these guys have the same draw (laughs). Remember no matter what they did is part of the draw had looked at. Twenty-three or four years old when, without hesitation, expressed feelings that the time was funny.

Q flowing in the film the three men and women are not cut off air flow in the organic. Each character in the movie feel a strong drag.
A love story of a woman and two men, but to draw sand merchants can assign itself derives much can experience chest pain. Well you get the burn center was in the field. 'Devil' in the second ensemble acting performances were comfortable with the minah. The image of the naked youth minah I naturally feel naeboyeotda of the original.

Q Shin Min Ah for you, not like an actor I'm talking 'he said, hinted.
A Kek. Do not say we did. Minah yeobaewooda such as the grandmother. Teolteolhago good talking to. If you love to talk to his own interests will ttansaenggake deulgon out.

Q pilmogeuraepi comfortable and natural feel that neulsurok.
A is trying to develop is not static. However, the sensitivity was not directly named as it is studied.

Q 'Kitchen' is picked up something from the focus.
A power except to go to get the flow of gamjeongseon, sand with the emotions that naturally concentrate to Oga said. Has pledged not to smoke as possible. But with the power, and the ambassador's words, it was hard eoknureuneun instinct is to deureonagi.

Q My husband loves the sand and feel the love to draw away bulhyeondeut. If you sand?
A person can not help it I noticed it was. The more understanding we will not envy. This can be of moral disapproval of the East, Jun Sang, but if I was a pure and honest did not.

Q 'Rookie' A Song though only through a song without musical ambassador choose was unlikely. Who sang all 18 songs was too early to call.
A musical outsider is, frankly. Geonnebat the 'Don Juan' DVD is not the report was a synopsis and daebonman. Determined by the stage and was only brought was frivolous. Ha, ha, ha. Join us to death was too late to practice. Action and movement is acting like a completely different looks from the outside was a learning day. Everyone was worried about the deep, but help was teotse gongyeongye. To say thank.

Q is a musical challenge to continue the plan.
A Of course. When I try to always ppaksege new field experience. This was the first problem, is not the ease.

Q New Year hope you want to achieve?
A 'Don Juan' on the Spanish flamenco dancer and it's time to make friends with the class when I want to try a race around Spain.

goolis@metroseoul.co.kr Yongwonjung (reporter) goolis@metroseoul.co.kr

Ju Ji Hoon "fatal in fact believe in love ..."

[Korea Daily] Wednesday, February 4, 2009 7:18 a.m.

[Close up] Movie 'kitchen' on ... "love at first sight against the NO"

"What yeokyideun can have long hair."
The stem of a fern leaf is small, even a smile out of his knuckles is growing as is injisangjeong. Nothing to see and learn to grow much more fun to be. Actors Ju Ji Hoon, and the trees and is growing at a scary speed.

According to his recent move in 2006 MBC mistake is to think in solitude to the dauphin. From the appearance of a piece of the model was likely to be at a loss because it is him.

Movies (Director hongjiyoung supilreum and produced and released five days) in the draw station, an act he was keen to sleep. The Movie (Director mingyudong and production studio under the house and antique) also differed as to have appeared. 6 on the day after opening the musical challenges.

'll Hoon patronize a merchant in his sister (Kim Tae Woo), the wife of the sand (Shin Min Ah) mipji not love the digestion made it a draw. No, actually, and not draw Hoon Hoon will draw the salvage, water seumyeodeul heureudeut was in the works. I love to draw in front of the devil "naive but pure" analysis of the projected figures. 30-hoon of not more than 28 years old with a mature actor was on the inside. Unaffected for a deeper understanding of phenomena and things in the end that was inside him. However, to deny his prejudice in the exact same pareut hamdo bichyeotda 10.

Long enough to get down to under the eyes, a reason to stick with your hair 'as the model of cool,' not, 'prepared actor' is like to be. "When you cut a short hairstyle that makes the role. Maintain about you if we need long hair," he laughed. for the fame of "joy gotongil can come all at once too big," nungchyeotgo the words, lines and because of that pain and evil to be worried about KBS 2TV said the taekhaetdago carefully. Cheonhodong cheonhodong live in while he's still alone KTX goes on a trip. 40 saledo "I wish I could have closed," he remains evergreen think.

# = Impurities can not draw marvel
Not between the couple mingyudong hoon wooyeonchange Director and Director of hongjiyoung work has appeared in the row. Scenario when the two coaches have been aware of the bond, nor the time overlap of the two works' state of mind and the biseuthaetdeon " chose first.

delayed the shooting schedule was even able to appear. Studied cooking in France, adopted not Hoon, and the feelings of the faithful to draw their power to postpone setting deliberately avoid when you said.

"The theme of the movie, I can not help the way people's minds, that thought. Especially in the understanding of love him. Draw not a naive person, but it's pure. Impurities can not, do you want me to say density, high crystal.

Talking about love between men and women is not the movies. I love the sand at the same time as the draw and the merchant, the merchant and the sand draw, draw, and the merchants also love the sand. The end of the first child and draw gatatdeon enjoy the pain of the world would a job. " Later I got to do is to hurt, is to realize that. "

Let the air and the sand-hoon, a husband, a merchant of the peace, and to draw fire as a way of electrifying the audience is just as in love, I feel joy to have the question mark. If you really love what is not neukkilkka Hun?

" "Comfort women 설레는 relative of a friend if you? No problem with your girlfriend, would not you attracted to the new relative. Seolrem even that would be a comfort. Against one do not believe in love. Mathematically the same age, I'd know If you lived another 28 years to meet a bet, so, 28 years to go I know I can see each other. The fate of the trust and love. For example, when I model, and why some designers like to show you met, the I have been meeting a lot of intensive work and he's been caused. "

# Model and actor is represented me Ju Ji Hoon
As the model is not-hoon made his debut as an actor. Act as a model of his favorite when he was in the collection of the designer. Not the big attraction of the stage said Hoon.

"Do you want the focus. Chogamgakgwa feel the same as before the accident do you want to grow. Naedidil one foot in the very short time when everything is stopped and you feel like me, are in a very long time. I do not remember the first show at . White's memory. "

If so, is what it feels like I'll arrive yeongiran think. Hun not think for a moment, and then 'self-reflection, gave the word. And meet yourself in a busy life, but we learn to look into a job because his is. Indirect experience, that even out in his will the need for a process.

Let the Hun Interestingly, I read a book. Visit to Japan in the Nagoya Museum has pictures of work and enjoy. Photos and pictures, the film's structure is common to find neukkigon pleasure.

"Perspective, I saw about the famous painter's work is not the first to eyes, looked new. I just laughed. A wide-angle lens to take pictures and then realized that I've got on your laptop. I can see the camera, so that visually, but visual found and identified as a great moving picture Oh. gunggeumhamyi just did happen. "

Ju Ji Hoon = prejudices # natural person does not want life
After the usual time in the Han-hun, not jogging, and is hangangbyeon masigon in the beer. Local travel on the train, she goes alone. To cover the face, but surprisingly few recognize lice.

"For example, you went to do shopping in Dongdaemun. Most people (next to his head, who looks dolrimyeo) and talk to him or (in front of the watching expressionless) I locked in the walk. Around do not give. But something stands out is that the atmosphere is different. I'm, probably, the atmosphere is special, do you think you recognize. jikeopil're my favorite actor. I do love to live freely. "

I'll walk the streets after Hoon Tan celebrated many experiences and would like to reason it is a paradox. From the various part-time job during school, and served from the restaurant to learn the job, but I think people need to understand.

"The actor is not alien to smoke, not animals ... people should not smoke. So I can understand people not to live to hide, I think. For age and want to do something to express."

Lee Jae Won reporter
Photo yichungeun News

Shinhan Ryu Ju Ji Hoon to star, this spring, targeting Japan

[Seupocheukan] Monday, February 2, 2009

'New wave stars rising to the Ju Ji Hoon spring of this year will mark Japan.

Ju Ji Hoon a movie starring 'Western yanggwajajeom antique - antique' (the antique, he mingyudong) and the 'Kitchen' (Director hongjiyoung) will be released in Japan a row. 1,700,000 gaebongdwae November last year, the audience gathered in 'antique' in Japan's second gold in May will be released before the holidays. To be released in five days that followed the melodrama movie 'kitchen' in Japan in June to meet with the audience. Korea in the movie was released just 4 months to be released in Japan, it is very unusual.

It was like this happen in Japan, thanks to the popularity of Hun is not a zoom. Known in Korea but not in the current Japan-hoon kkeojyeoga the fire of the Korean Wave 'is a daenggigo. Drama 'Palace' and 'the devil' that aired in the opposite direction, the channel is the number of fans. Entertainment officials to give Japan Hoon Bae Kwon succeed next generation Hallyu stars are expected to.

Appeared in a movie they are currently known in Japan topseuta seonpanmaedoeji Hoon movie does not even though the situation, I sold all released. 'Antique', but not Japan, the same cartoonist wonjakin Hoon also the main actors take a share in May last year, the festival kangukje syogeyiteusae Japan sold in markets. America pilreummaket syogeyiteusaneun held in November last year in the kitchen also has purchased.

Jejaksacheuk official "stronger than ever in Japan is expected to give Hun" and "a model not only looks stylish, and the number of fans is very strong," he said.

Ju Ji Hoon's fans too, the other Korean pop stars motjianda zeal. Like other Korean pop stars, but the organization is not connected and 'antique' and 'kitchen' support Hoon was not shown to the press screening. In addition, the musical will debut before the Hun is a large naehanhal.

Hun on January 6 to give the musical 'donjuang' the stage is the first challenge. Gimdahyeon Triple gangtaeeulgwa was cast. Notice that the date will arrive on the ilbonpaen not know when winter is still on your mind is the rear.

With skills, as well as give the appearance of the popular move-hoon, will continue where it is raised up.

Actors Ju Ji Hoon

[Union Photo] Monday, February 2, 2009

Ju Ji Hoon Shin Min Ah 'Kitchen', released in Japan in June

[Star News] Monday, February 2, 2009 by 8:58 a.m.

Shin Min Ah and Ju Ji Hoon, Kim Tae Woo of the unique romance movie 'Kitchen' (Director hongjiyoung supilreum production) will be released in Japan in June this year.

November last year, North America's largest American pilreummaket pilreummaket (AFM) in Japan syokeyiteue seonpanmaedoen 'kitchen' of the audience is expected to meet Japan in June.

In general, marketing for more than 6 months, despite a younghwadang considering the situation when Japan opened in South Korea four months after the movie to be released in Japan on the unusual and eye-catching 12. 'Kitchen' pilreummaket at the time of the American exports to the wanseongbon gapyeonjipbon not been determined, the distributor with high expectations from the end of last year to prepare the release said.

The 'kitchen' in the opening five days a Berlin International Film Festival, screened at the European pilreummaket hwakjeongdwae added, said sales were expected to be met on time. In the five days before the movie is released.

韓聯社首爾2月2日電 電影製片公司Soofilm 2日表示,電影《廚房》將於6月份在日本上映。




Ju Ji Hoon, to the Berlin International Film Festival set! ‘키친’&‘앤티크’ 공식 초청 'Kitchen' & 'antique' official invitation

[OSEN] 2009-1-30

[OSEN = gimgukhwa News] February 5 before opening the romantic movie 'kitchen' in the world, one of three festival screenings this was the Berlin International Film Festival Market.

Already had a successful film in the Ju Ji Hoon movie film western antique antique yanggwajajeom the bereulreul bigyeongjaeng International Film Festival Cinema section of keolrineori received an official invitation to the 'kitchen' of the market, the buyers showing interest confirmed hot.

The 'kitchen' of the overseas sales of foreign buyers to sign, contact M-LINE, and received the Berlin International Film Festival and the opening of the film released on February 5 it will take to conquer Asia is expected.

Movie 'kitchen' of the Secret Romance by implementing a different genre expected to deliver a cold winter and a warm gathering of love. Shin Min Ah Ju Ji Hoon Kim Tae Woo and the three actors in different attractive and breathing the smoke hongjiyoung static delicate and a Director of the ceremony.

Ju Ji Hoon, "the Berlin Film Festival, the musical did not participate because of schedule"

[Star News] Thursday, January 29, 2009 to 10:22 a.m.
[Hollywood Star News gimgeonwoo News]

I'll learn to arrive at the Berlin Film Festival, the musical 'donjuang' was not as ready.

I'll arrive juyeonhan Movie 'Western antique antique yanggwajajeom' (the 'antique') 3 Festival, one of the world were invited to the Berlin Film Festival. Berlin International Film Festival red carpet, I'll learn the procedure to arrive was expected to.

Ju Ji Hoon entertainment agency 29 days in space, " 'Antique' was not invited to the Berlin Film Festival, the musical-hoon 'donjuang' not ready to attend to the relationship," he said.

'Antique' Publisher of the house "with the Berlin International Film Festival is one of two people per work is invited. Mingyudong jilretyi coach and Andy will be living in Europe," he said.

The 'antique' is to open on February 5 at the Berlin Film Festival's' Cooking Videos' (Culinary Cinema) section were invited to the official.

'Cooking Videos' section of the food and the environment of a movie selection, screening is a bigyeongjaeng section. Began in the 2007 section of the U.S. fast food industry exposed the evil of 'Fast Food Nation' were invited.

Ju Ji Hoon, the only love I do not know 'French version introduced

[OSEN] 2009-1-27 (Tue) to 5:36 p.m.

[OSEN = Kim Min-jung news] Movie 'Kitchen' star in Ju Ji Hoon this simsubong songs of love I do not know only the French version has its attention.

Hoon give the movie, 'Kitchen' hwonchilhan key in the stylish looks and excellent cooking skills combines draw has transformed the station. Movies professional site Max movie, not released on Hoon's video of the pole in place at a worse draw sand (Shin Min Ah minutes) to propose a song is a scene.

Hoon simsubong song is not the only love I do not know 'to the version of the chanson, not Hoon, and the sad voice of the French pronunciation deohaejyeo class has the attention of netizens.

Movie 'Kitchen' attraction to the young child with the same pure soul free France from the sand and draw a genius chef, perfect conditions and a good personality with the merchant (Kim Tae Woo minutes) chest Selenielle this despite the romance, the movie opened on February 5 and said.

Ju Ji Hoon Shin Min Ah, you can expect a fierce love scenes like '

[Today Korea] Tuesday, January 20, 2009 to 10:56 p.m.

Movie 'kitchen' of the two heroes Ju Ji Hoon, Shin Min Ah before that movie fans have been overwhelming interest in the topic is they were one.

Shin Min Ah is saeyounghwa 'Kitchen' transformation into the mysterious woman is a mature atmosphere.

Movie 'Go 70' from a dancer in the 1970s, the fascinating 'Mimi' Conversely, expressing the hidden charms of the Shin Min Ah and drama came sexy become the protagonist of the Korean Wave and the new movie 'antique' film to Hoon has not much interest in film 'Kitchen' came to the breathing.

Movie 'kitchen' in the beautiful appearance and a delicate give-hoon yuhakpa genius French chef combines the sense of 'draw' in the role that I could not work to show the mystery and charm will be provocative.

Also, 'Kitchen' is already acting in Chungmuro proven the actor Kim Tae Woo Shin Min Ah towards that appeared to be planning to introduce a mild love Shin Min Ah, Ju Ji Hoon, Kim Tae Woo show you are interested in a triangular relationship.

Hongjiyoung his debut 'kitchen' in the yard through the window many a house, full sun, soigne dishes, two delicate feelings to meet the love of a secret space that evaluation is complete.

The 'kitchen' and give a hun, Shin Min Ah indication of the love scenes are better known, has big expectations.

'Donjuang' Ju Ji Hoon "song from Namsan practice"

[Sports World] Tuesday, January 20, 2009 by 9:11 p.m.

For the first musical guseulttam
Practice 15 hours a day, 'I'm all in.'

'Don Juan' first challenge as a model and actor in musicals Ju Ji Hoon song lately, and practice is a forced march.

'Don Juan' the "not-hoon of Seoul has been jogging and singing practice," the "first two hours than the other actors in the room with me, and 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. to practice Thursday, as the state of the column to be worse burned, "he said.

The neck is not a hoon, the smoke in practice mainly due to the song was stopped for a moment. 19 days Seoul, Shinsegae Department Store in Chungmuro Cultural Hall at donjuang 'syokeyiseueseodo gimdahyeon, gangtaeeul double-cast with the other actors instead of the interview not only the song seonboyiji matter.

I'll say I told you a lot more neck-hoon "28 years have never seen in my life I never shout, do not give yourself the most difficult for your body," the ", but this did not show this to the combined performance will show it" was the bold stroke.

Hoon bunhaneun to give the musical Don Juan 'Don Juan' and passion for the pleasure of the moment, I was seduced her true love, choose death in order to realize the penance the life of Don Juan is a work of singing.

February 6 to March 8 Seongnam Arts Center Opera House will perform.


